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natasha's pov

the icy air filled my lungs, sending shivers down my spine, my skin immediately becomes numb, the bright lights of skyscrapers seen before my very eyes amazes me, the tapping of ones feet in the distance, an odd whistling for a taxi here and there, the streets as if owned are litter free, new york city is breathtaking, strolling through the gloom, nearby bushes sway violently, ignoring it, my walk turns into a sluggish dash, coming to a halt, regaining my normal pant, i feel a presence behind me, not an inviting one either, my stomach twists as i slowly turn to face the individual, it's him, him whose name is bucky barnes, my heart skips a beat, freezing in one spot, i stare at the psychopath who almost assassinated me, i need to leave before he ends my life, backing off slowly, my feet set off, run, run, run, his footsteps become deafening as they draw nearer, his hands roughly grab my shoulders, facing him, he towers over me, breath hitching as he whips out a dagger, still in his forceful grip, he slits my fair skin, screaming out of pain that only results in him, lowering the blade down near my abdomen. 

tell me where steve rogers is and i'll let you live. he whispers in my ear. 

no! i yell. 

then so be it. he mutters. 

tearing my skin with the blade, pressing it deeper into my abdomen, i whimper from the agony, beginning to lose consciousness, my whole body feeling fragile, i drop to the ground, bashing my skull on the rock hard concrete.

darkness surrounds me. swallowing me into oblivion. 

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