4. Music Class

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A/N So this chap takes place in the 2nd semester. Also in the second semester there is a music class. I know I'm lazy

Yumi (POV)

Yumi woke up, did her morning routine and walked to school. It was a Monday Yumi hated Monday's. When she got to school she was handed a new schedule. All of her classes were the same except suddenly she had a Music class. Yumi had no intention of singing in front of the class plus she hadn't sung in a while.

                                                                            ~~Time Skip to Music~~

Yumi eventually found her way to the music room. When she walked in everyone was standing in spots. "Who are you sweets." The music teacher said.  "Yumi." She said. "Oh Yumi yes you are over here." She pointed to a spot. Of course it was next to you guessed it Sasuke. "Oh boy more hate from fan girls." Yumi muttered to herself.  Then took her spot next to Sasuke which as she expected received glares from some girls. No correction every girl. She just ignored them and turned to the teacher. "Now class for your concert blah blah blah." That's all Yumi really heard. Though she did catch something about picking the songs that they would sing. Until... "Now you will have partners. Your partners will be the people next to you." Yumi inwardly groaned. Great now she had to be partners with the Uchiha. "Together the 2 of you will write or choose your own song and sing it as a duet in front of the class." "CRAP!" thought Yumi.

Sasuke (POV)

I am a pretty good singer I guess. I glanced at Yumi she looked miserable. I started to think about possible songs we could sing. But then I heard the teacher say "Or you could each sing different songs." So I started to think about songs I like. I came to my conclusion I would sing Breathe by VocaCircus sung by Dex. (A/N: you will see the song later also I know Dex does not sound like Sasuke). I wonder what Yumi will sing? Is her voice beautiful? Is she dating anyone?
Wait why do I care!? I cannot fall in love again. So far everyone I have ever loved died or betrayed me. I won't get hurt again plus love would only hold me back from my goal of killing Itachi. Just the thought of him made my blood boil. Without thinking I slammed my fist onto the desk. Yumi flinched and then whimpered as if she thought I would hurt her. Instantly everyone just gawked at me while Yumi ran out of the room. It looked to me as if she was remembering painful memories. "SASUKE UCHIHA!" the music teacher yelled at me "DETENTION!" "Great." I muttered. Then slowly stood up and walked out of the room. I decided that since I got kicked out I might as well go look for Yumi. So I started to walk around whisper calling her name.

Yumi (POV)

After Yumi ran out of the classroom she heard yelling but she didn't know why. She ran to her locker and sunk down to sit in front of it. Then she heard her name being called. "Someone's looking for me someone cares."  Yumi thought. Suddenly she saw who was calling her....Sasuke. "Why are you here." She asked him. "Well I got kicked out of music so I decided to look for you." "Thank you." Yumi said quietly. Sasuke looked surprised "Thanks for what." "Actually caring about me no one else seems to care when I run off." "Well are you okay." He asked. "Yes I am fine.....you know you don't have to stay here." "I know but it's so quiet here and it's better then the principals office." "True it's just I'm usually alone so I don't really know how to talk to people." "That's just fine." He responded

A/N: I am so sorry for the slow updates but are you enjoying the book tell in the comments
Peace Out~Author-chan ✌️

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