Chapter 14:

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Two years later...

"Hey Sweetspark!I'm back."Jazz said coming into Harp's room sitting on a set near the window.

Ratchet came in from the other door,"You know Harp in the bathroom,right?"he said.

Jazz nod,"Oh, thing been?"he ask Ratchet. Ratchet look at Jazz,"You only been gone for a week and you think anything has change?".

Jazz slightly smile unsure,"Yes?".

Harp came out looking at a paper,"Ratchet,I'm not sure of what you been by energon--HEY!Your back early,how was the mission?"she said happy.

Jazz smiled looking at her hold the papers behind her back,"Well first. I wondering if we could get out and do something? I ask boss bot and he said it was okay."he said.

Harp nod and look at Ratchet, "Fine,bring her back at 11:30 p.m."Ratchet said holding a screen to work and taking the small papers. Moving to step down the steps next to the left wall Harp slowly touch the ground in her slip on shoes.

"After you milady."Jazz said opening the door as Harp walk pass the door waiting for Jazz.

Ratchet gave him one last warning,"Don't make her stress out."he said.

Jazz nod and quickly walk to the bridge going to the green hills of the great plains.

(Harp's POV)
I want to tell him so badly...

Ratchet said it isn't a good idea but...the spark says something else.

"You okay Sweetspark,I can feel that your not happy."he said as I look at his radio.

I still not use to him feeling my emotions...I felt upset and grief.

All I want it him to understand what is going on...WHY!

"Woah!I'm pulling over for second!"he said parking next to a shade of trees.

I open the door and step out onto the sand. Jazz transform standing next to a tree. He look at my form of sitting down. I was really uncomfortable...

"Are you alright,Sweetspark?"he ask me and kneel down moving the things of hair out of my face.

"No...Jazz there something I need to tell you."I said standing up looking at the mech who was once in my head two years ago.

He gave a supportive smile.

I could feel the comfortable he send me,I send back a boat load of love so he knows I mean it.

"Ratchet...found something that seem to be growing inside me for the pass three months now. I have been able to hide since then but now..I can't."I briefly explain and he tilt his head confuse.

My eyes soften,"He said it was impossible till it actually happen...I understand if you think it is a bad idea,I mean. It could go either way..."I stop looking at him completely confuse.

I have to tell him...this might be the only time....

I was speechless I was so scared he would leave just because of what is happening!

He everything I ever wanted and now!

I don't want to lose someone special as him!

"Shhh...calm down...what working you to your core,cutie?" he said standing up to get a knot out of his neck cables.


"Jazz..I am having a baby."I said it straight out.

o.o (Snap!)

I could feel quietness in our bond.

He look at me shock and he seem to start figuring out what has been going on...he stop when he look at me.

Guess who had guilt?

This gal!

"How?"he ask looking at me.

Slowly I said,"Ratchet said it happen because of our bond. It chemical made a form and then it went into my (female part- heh.) and now there a baby or what you call a sparkling.".

His optics widen at me using sparkling. Jazz the one bot you didn't want to mess with when he is shock or serious...he is both right now.

Lowering my head I waited for something bad to happen...

"That amazing!"oh no...

Jazz lift me up gentle and set me on his shoulder. "So,have you told anyone else?"he ask thinking it must be well known.

"No,Ratchet says it is better to be kept secret even from...Prime...I don't like it. What he doesn't now that this baby sparkling is the first of its kind. Why something so wonderful be hidden?"I said.

Jazz nod happily,"I agree,you know what!We should tell Prime right now!"he said walking go a bridge.

I held onto his shoulder plate and let him do his thing. Optimus Prime is a every busy bot. You never know where he is or what he is doing. Even I rarely get to talk to Prime.

We pass a few bots and Drift training in the sparing room.

Crosshairs was lifting waits in front of the human femmes who are swooning over how strong he is. (Get then Crosshairs.)

Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are on a mission at Cybertron. Good lucky to them. Be safe.

Before Jazz went into to talk with  Prime he had to calm down...

And act professional.

"Optimus!Just the bot I wanted to see!"Jazz said like his old happy self. Optimus was looking at screens till he heard use walk in, "Jazz,Harp. What can I do for you?"he ask as I was set on a table.

Jazz smiled,"Optimus,I just found out exciting news and not to get Ratchet in trouble for keeping this hidden. But Harp is going to have a sparkling..ish human baby? I'm not really sure."he said.

Optimus was actually shock and look at Jazz,"Go get Ratchet please,I'll like to speak with Harp first."he said. Jazz nod and ran off getting my caretaker.

I stand quietly waiting for questions.

"Harp,how long has you been hiding it from use?"he ask.

"Three months,sir."I said.

He nod crossing his arms,"Do you know something else I should before I say anything else?"he ask boldly,strong to me.

I nod,"What I found out is the baby or sparkling seems to have the ability of your kind. Having energon, but still have human food. As well as transform."I said to him.

He seem to be interested in what is happening,"And..the baby or sparkling is the first of its kind.." I said.

That caught his attention,"First of its kind..."I nod,"Harp, you not only have help my kind becoming a Autobot medic. But this will save our kinds."he explained.

I felt my lips smile.

"Congratulations."he gave a calm smile.

I nod,"Thank you Optimus.It means a lot to hear it from someone else."I said.

Optimus Prime. He is the greatest leader in both Cybertron and Earth...he earn my respected before I met him.

Ratchet step in and I felt my blood froze.

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