27#Ask and Dare

40 3 7

Us:Your welcome.
Spark and Frisk:Thanks Lylith.
Me and Frisk:*sings"It's not like i like you or anything and finish singing it*
Dolan,Spark and Bendy:*claps for us*
Me and Frisk:Thank you.
Dolan,Spark and Bendy:Your welcome.
Spark:To be honest idk who i hate from there.
Dolan:*wears a blue dress and blushes*
Me,Spark,Bendy and Frisk:*tries our best not to laugh*
Dolan:Guys stop its not funny!
Pikagirl(me):*giggles*Sorry Dolan we can't help it but just to make you feel better you do look good in it.
Dolan:*blushes madly*Thanks i guess.
Bendy:*goes up to Monika*Hey Monika is it ok if you dance with me?
Monika:Sure Bendy but i'm not that good of a dancer.
Bendy:Its ok it won't hurt*grabs her hand and dance with her*
Monika:*dances with Bendy*Its fun to dance with someone.
Bendy:You got that right*smiles*.

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