Just so you know, neither of us own Jeff or Jane. ~L P.S SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT!
As she lay in her bed, Jane stared at the ceiling. "Where is Jeff?" she muttered quietly.She rolled over, smiling. "Oh well, when I find him, I'll kill him." She looked over into her closet, looking at her black clothes, and the dirty pile heap. There was other colors too, but her favorite was black. "What will I wear when the time comes?" she smiled, thinking of one way. She quickly looked at her clock. "11:30? Perfect." She jumped out of bed and rooted through her closet. She pulled out a pair of black shorts and a gray shirt. She pulled them on and tied her hair up in a ponytail. "Casual enough for a night at the bar." She put her knife in her purse and pulled on some sandals. "Bye." She said to her mom.
And that was all from her.

Jeff the Killer Vs Jane The Killer
HorrorWhat happens when Jane, a troubled girl, meets Jeff the killer. Especially when he's in her bedroom telling her to go to sleep, but what if he lets her live but she must make a sacrifice. Join him.