After finishing her drink, Jane started walking toward a hotel. All she had was a few bucks. "Oh well."
She walked in and asked the clerk if there was a room she could get and work for. "15 is open, but its down the creep hall. For it you can take my job." The clerk said, sighing.
"I'll take it." Jane had said, grabbing the key, then walking down the hallway. She quickly found 52 and went in. She was totally oblivous to the man next door. Jeff.
She sat on the bed, looking around. "Not bad for a motel." She started smiling for a bit, until she heard the moaning next door. She banged the walls, trying to make them stop.
"Can't a weary man have some fun?" A voice yelled back.
"Ah, screw them." She thought, curling into bed.
She wasn't safe, her spare key was on the floor outside her door. She had dropped it.
Jane didn't even hear the door creak open. Or the figure walk in. She didn't feel the light from the lamp, or hear the quiet "go to sleep..." from him. But she did hear "Jane."
As she jolted awake, a knife to her neck, all she saw was Jeff. His black hair, bloody smile, burnt eyelids, and white hoodie.
She took it all in, sighing heavily. "Now I know what I fell for."
"If you want to live, join me." He grunted, pressing in with the knife.
"Hell no! I want to kill you!" She screeched back.
"No you don't." He said calmly.
"Fine." she whispered. "Hey, I need victims anyway."

Jeff the Killer Vs Jane The Killer
TerrorWhat happens when Jane, a troubled girl, meets Jeff the killer. Especially when he's in her bedroom telling her to go to sleep, but what if he lets her live but she must make a sacrifice. Join him.