Chapter 3

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Lacey's POV:

12 Hours later

"Hello, this is your captain speaking. Please buckle up and remain seated, we will be landing shortly." Spoke a voice from the intercom, and then an abrupt dinging sound was heard indicating it's time to put our seat belts on.

I as everybody else on this flight buckled up and prepared for the landing. I was actually happy about getting off this plane; it feels like I was on here forever especially because there was a typical 6/7 year old child seated behind me who kept kicking my seat. I suddenly felt the landing of the plane, we were all just waiting for the lit up seatbelt light to turn off.

"Welcome to the London, England where the local time is 10:47pm. We'll be taxiing to the gate for the next few minutes, so please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened until the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign. We will be parking at gate 7 and for those of you where London is your final destination, bags can be claimed at carousel 143. On behalf of 379 flight crew and Delta Airlines, thank you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope to see you again on a future flight. Enjoy your stay here. Use of any cellular devices is not permitted while still on board please wait till off the plane. Thank you." Spoke a different chirpy, excited voice.

Staring at the lit up seatbelt light, I felt as if I was having a staring contest with it, and I had finally won when it went dark. I stood up so quickly I nearly knocked Lou down when I reached to get both our carry on's.

"You excited?" She asked with a playful smile.

"No, well yeah but it is just I am so excited to get off this plane I feel so cramped on here." I tell her, while she just laughs while we follow behind the line of people in front of us. When we were finally off the plane and reaching the baggage claim area I looked around for 143.

"140,141,142,143! RIGHT THERE!" I yelled jumping up and down pointing towards the carousel with many bags rotating around the belt. Lou turned around from the opposite direction and smiled at me, and we began to walk towards the rotating belt looking for our luggage.

Once we finally retrieved our bags, we walked out until I realized I didn't know where to go. Lou must've noticed because she answered my question, "My husband Tom is picking us up along with Lux my daughter. They should be in a violet like minivan." She told me. Suddenly all my energy I had not long ago had disappeared and I was exhausted, so I just followed Lou around looking for the minivan. After a couple minutes we found her husband and Lux in his arms walking towards us, he guided us to the car after the two lovebirds reunited.

30 minutes later

We arrived at a fancy looking hotel; it was about 7 levels high and very huge in size. When we entered I was almost afraid to step foot onto the lobby's shiny marble floor. Lou went over to the desk clerk that was a woman who looked like she was in her mid-fifties. I looked to her name tag and apparently her name was Kathy. "Kathy" handed her a key, and they exchanged smiles and thank yous.

When Lou came back to me she handed me a key card, and we made our way to the elevator. We finally made a stop and we were on floor 6. "What room am I in?" I asked Lou right when we stepped out of the elevator.

"Room 633, right across from mine, go get settled I'll be there soon." She smiled as she led me to my room; on the way there I heard lots of noise coming from the rooms nearby but just brushed it off and continued making my way to my room.

When I was inside of my hotel room, I was amazed by the furniture and all the paintings hanging around in frames. I walked around observing everything, while looking for the one thing I needed most. The bed. Once I finally found it I collapsed of tiredness. This bed was amazingly soft and my body sinks in, no doubt leaving my shape indented in. I closed my eyes and relaxed, nearly falling asleep until I heard a knock on my door. Groaning I got up and opened the door facing, once again, Lou. "Sweetie I know you're really tired from the flight but it's important for me to have you meet some of the people we are going on tour with." She gave me an understanding smile.

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