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"I'm pulling you out of the Tournament. It's too dangerous, and shouldn't allow young children to participate." Accailia looked at me with pity in her amber eyes. The earthen living room turned into my muddy hell, and it took everything I had to not curl into a ball. "I'm sorry, Quil. But I care for your life and I won't let you risk it." She turned around and walked into the kitchen, about to prepare supper.

I wondered to myself if death would be better than this but was interrupted from my thoughts by an air-note appearing in front of my face.

"You free? Me and Aries are gonna hang out at Gem's and practice for Tournament. Maybe chill after. Mom made portable tacos again. Made a spicy one for you too.


"Hey Mom!" I called, running into the kitchen where she was making stew, again. "Can I go to Gemini's house? Him, Taya, and Aries are gonna hang out. Taya's mom made us tacos."

She turned around and held out her spoon, with a little stew on the end. "Sure, but first, taste this." Accailia steadied the spoon as I tasted the soup. It was a carrot mix, and as always, had too much basil.

"It's great, but too much greens. Lay back a little, Mother Earth."

I ran out the door, taking a right and heading to the light brown house 4 buildings away from mine. I could see two figures up the road. One was extremely white, with silver hair, a pale complexion, and a light yellow jacket with light blue skinny jeans. The other was all green. Teal-dyed hair, light green shirt, dark green jacket.

They came running when they saw me, and arrived out of breath. "Hey, Q. What's up?" Aries, the one in green, high-fived me and began smiling. His grin took up his entire face, and made his blue eyes sparkle with joy.

"Guys, let's go inside." Taya was holding a brown paper bag in her pale hands, taping her foot impatiently. "My legs are tired from all that running." She began giggling, which made the rest if us laugh at her stupid joke.

"You derp. You float, you don't need legs." I took the bag from her hands and began walking, stuck behind her and Aries as the told jokes back and forth.

Aries knocked on the door, and Gemini's mom opened the door, smiling as she let us in. "He's in his room. I'll take the food. You guys can eat later." I handed her the bag and ran after my friends, excited to see Gem.

I jumped into the room, seeing Taya and Aries sitting on the ground, and Gemini on his bed. He seemed almost disappointed, but I didn't know at what.

He was facing away from me, pointing at the wall and talking about a new picture on it. I walked up and put my arms around him, startling him.

"Ah!" He saw my hand, which was adorned with rings, some if which he had given me, and smiled. "Q!" He said my nickname, then turned around and hugged me.

Both Taya and Aries 'ooooh'ed and I pulled back from the hug, flipping them the bird. "Ah shut ya traps, or I'll give ya a beatin'" Gem liked to you around with his ability, scaring the hell out of us occasionally. He could manipulate his voice, and this time he decided to sound Irish.


"I'll see you guys later! Have a nice night." Gemini waved at Taya and Aries as they walked off, then turned to me. We were sitting on his porch, swinging our legs as we watched the light disappear.

"You know I was raised with respect, and taught how to be a gentleman, so I do this with surety and kindness." He cupped my cheek with his hand, and I could see the love in his eyes. "I would like to make us official. I love you, and I've been courting you for 2 years now. I know it is right before the Tournament, but I wouldn't be able to bear it if I didn't ask you before. I'm tired of trying to restrain myself from grabbing your hand, or putting my arm around you. Will you accept, Aquila?"

I felt like my heart was on overdrive. I had been waiting for this moment for months. I covered his hand with my own, and nodded, smiling. Suddenly, a blade of grass shot up, holding a price of paper. I removed our hands and grabbed it, then frowned as I read it 

"I gotta go. My mom wants me home before it gets totally dark." I jumped down, and brought a flame to my hand, burning the note and started walking towards the road. "I'll see you tomorrow, Gem."

The last thing I saw of him was his smile, lighting up the darkness.


Hey guys, I hope you liked the first chapter if my new story. Here's a few notes, which I hope answer some of your questions:

1) I purposely did not descibe neither Aquila or Gemini, because of  reason:
I want you to imagine them for yourself. It is better when you can kind of make them your own. I want this story to be more detailed, so I will try my best.

2) I have no clue what age group these kids will be, but I'm going to say some where between 12 and 17. I'll let you guys vote, but here is going to be all 4, in order from youngest to oldest(even though I don't know the ages, this is just how I see them):

3) This is set in a different world(obvi) where almost everyone has powers. If you have read the Webtoon "UnOrdinary", it is kind of like that, in which the "cripples", or those with out powers and weak gifted people will be picked on, and the strongest are not. However, there will not be a John character.

I hope this helped. If you have any more questions, feel free to comment, message, or post on my wall.

Have a nice day my flurries (still working on that...)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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