BTS | Jimin X Reader | Blood, Sweat and Tears

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Rich and fancy decorations, art worth millions, it sure was a museum to gawk at. But you couldn't, not now, not when Jimin was stuck somewhere. Not when his life was in danger in a door to a bad world. Your feet tapped lightly as you ran through an arch, running down a hallway. Please be safe. Your breathing was shallow, your limbs were weak, your heartbeat panicked. How many of them are there? Your feet stopped at the arched door of a room, a seat sat in water, Jung Hoseok sat on the seat. Hand tracing through its waters until he saw you, eyes wide.

"(Y/N)"He gasped in panic as he lurched from the chair into the water, hand wrapping around a bow

"S-STOP!"You yelped in fear

He stopped at the base of the water as it began to fill with colours.

"How do I know your not with him?"You narrowed your eyes

"I least take this"He begged as he held a bow out of the water

His hand began to let off coloured smoke as his face winced in pain.

"I can't leave unless you trust me, p-please be quick it hurts"He mumbled in pain

Your hand wrapped around his wrist, the smoking dulled at your touch, you pulled him forwards.

"(Y/N)?"He gasped

"Please don't betray me..."You pleaded, "I need help- to f-find Jimin"

He only nodded, grasping your wrist softly as he ran. Kim Taehyung. Where was he now? Was he with Jimin? Or one of the others?

"I swear his this way I promis-"

Namjoon. Hoseok only looked past him at the door, but your eyes traced the floating colours around him as he drank from a glass calmly downing the green liquid in the room full of paintings.



"(Y/N) you have to get to the door"Hoseok whispered

Namjoon looked up with a smirk, colours leaving his mouth in smoke, the room becoming hazy. He blinked.

"I don't want to be here anymore"He sighed smiling

"GO!" Hoseok pushed you as he held up his bow

Your feet moved on their own taking you through the smoke that made your head pound into the next room.

"Hoseok, you need to trust me she can't get him without me- she need all of us, except them two..."He pleaded behind you


Jeon Jungkook hung from a roof in front of you.

"Hi"He exhaled

Pleading continued behind you as you stared at the hanging boy. You glanced into the smoke as Hoseok stepped into the room, lowering his bow.

"His a tempter you know"Jungkook said, "It's because of Yoongi"

"Jungkook where is Jimin"You growled

"With Yoongi"Jungkook answered honestly

"If you even try to hurt her-"Hoseok breathed "please trust Namjoon and Jungkook (Y/N)"

For Jimin. You exhaled as the coloured fog came into Jungkook's room slowly fading, the ropes that bound Jungkook up lowering him gently.


Jungkook nodded as the other two stepped into the room, Jungkook beginning to walk off.

"Where's Jin?"

"Next room"Jungkook answered

The pink haired boy rested his hand on the statue in front of him, Kim Taehyung smiling behind him. Kim Taehyung.


Jin froze.

"DO IT !"

Taehyung smiled.

"I trust you Jin- please don't do this"You whispered

Yet he heard it, evident as he stepped slowly off the platform, Taehyung only smiled as he stepped up to a window, jumping.


Your vision faded to black as you woke up in another room, Jimin in front of you. You gaped, your hands quickly behind his head as you began to untie.

"Who's there?"Jimin flinched


He eased up, the blindfold on his face slipping as you moved to the one around his hands.


You kissed him gently.

"It's dangerous here"He frowned as his hands fell loose.

"(Y/N)!!"Jungkook yelled, the group held open a door to the exit and your eyes widened, grasping Jimin's hand

"It's worth it to get you out alive and safe"You smiled as you slipped through the door

"You could have-"Jimin choked on his own words

"Don't worry now"

You, Jimin and the group stood outside of the museum. Your hands laced around Jimin's neck as you kissed him lovingly.

"I don't know what I'd do without you"You exhaled

"I love you (Y/N)"Jimin kissed your forehead

"You two just get in the van"Namjoon laughed


Word count: 755
Date Written: 02-04-18

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