MONSTA X | Wonho x Reader | Tresspass

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Your hand grabbed onto the bar in front of you, barely lit by streetlights in the night, the barking following you keeping you on edge. You vaulted up, feet landing hardly on the ground on its other side as you ran beside Wonho, your partner. Your breathing was rigid, sight blurring, the wounds and cuts on you causing so much pain. Then his hand grabbed yours, he pulled you into an alley and then into a building, empty and dark, yet you could both see each other.

"I'm sorry"He cried, "I-I"

"Shhh"You smiled as you rested a hand on his face

He had already stripped his shirt and hoodie off, ripping them to shreds to cover the worst of your cuts. Wonho, he was used to this, flawless even after running so long.

"I didn't want you to come- it was my last job"He bowed his head down in guilt

"You could have died, I couldn't risk that"You laughed quietly as you moved closer to him, his breathing shallow against your lips

"YOUR GOING TO DIE (Y/N)!"Wonho yelled, tears now rushing down his cheeks

You kissed him softly, he kissed back, guilt in even his breathing.

"I- don't leave me..."Wonho cried

"C-Call Shownu"You handed him your phone

Fingers shaking he called Shownu.


The voice wasn't too close....
Shownu answered.

"I'm sending coordinates, please come, she's stealthy please"Wonho said, voice shaking as he hit hangup and send handing you back your phone


"I love you Wonho"

Black and colour flashed in front of you. You smiled as your consciousness became fragile.

"I luh-love you too (y/n)"He cried

"Wonho, quickly!"Shownu's voice called

Wonho's arms wrapped around you softly as he ran following Shownu, sitting you in the car as Jooheon branch out a kit of medicine.

"It was your last job..."

Your consciousness faded into black.


Word count: 333
Date Written: 01-04-18

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