Mysterious eyes

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Naidari looked behind her as the elves town began to fade in the distance. The overwhelming feeling of freedom kept surrounding her, but moreover she never left the town in her life and this fact was making her feel unsure. But the place where she grew up was now only the past. Turning her head around she faced the demon who was walking in front of her. Should she really be doing this? Was this her future? Even if Azren was a demon, a small part of her felt like she could actually trust him, but this thought was making her confused. All this time, she grew up thinking that demons are the most cruel and evil creatures and now all of a sudden she could actually trust him?

Her thoughts were interrupted as a small twig fell from a tree next to her and made a slight crack. She turned her head around quickly remaining still for a second, as if her body was freezed.
Azren turned around on his heels prepared to make fun of her as he heard her footsteps stopping. But as he turned around a big amount of malevolence surrounded his body and felt his head aching as some mysterious glittering eyes were looking straight at Naidari.

   Azren opened his mouth already trying to get away and yelled at her"Run you silly girl!"
He set off not telling her the second time. She stood there and her heart began pounding fast as she finally noticed those eyes and realized what Azren told her. Naidari quickly turned around and was about to trip and the ground seemed to wanting to eat her alive while her legs were moving as fast as they could. Before her eyes the landscape seemed not to fit and began to fade just as the small town did. She could no longer identify Azren, only his dark shadow was seen in a distance that seemed like millions of kilometers away.She wanted to speak because of panic, but felt her throat as if someone would rip it off and only a small, overdone sound managed to escape"Azren...."
Azren felt a sharp pain piercing trough his throat. He felt more vulnerable than any other time in his life and this could only mean one single thing. He turned around feeling the pain stopping him form walking normally.demons are extremely powerful creatures but when in an contract, they can feel the same pain as the one who's in the contract with them feels. Was Naidari in pain? Why did he care anyway, it was just a contract, but he could actually die if she was badly injured.
He began to walk as his pain sharpened. It wasn't a pleasant feeling indeed, but he kept going till he saw Naidari's silhouette somewhere in the thick fog.
Naidari placed her hand on her stomach trying to breathe normal. She didn't know what kind of magic this was but it sure was a strong one, yet her legs kept moving even if she felt like they were sinking in a deep and dark abyss. Her eyes were gazing upon the shadow in front of her. It sure was Azren. And due to the aching pain she stretched her arm, her lips parting slightly but weakly, though no sound could be heard.
Suddenly she felt a cold hand entangling it's fingers with hers, yet it was sending calming vibrations trough her whole body. With and incredibly strong force she was been pulled by her hand and as if it would be a miracle, her legs began gaining strength again and Naidari felt as if she was being rescued from death itself.

The fog was beginning to disappear little by little and Naidari noticed Azren was still holding her hand as she was been pulled close to his chest. It was the first time she didn't say anything and as her eyes fell on the red haired male, Azren was still looking at those mysterious eyes with anger and fury, as they were slowly fading, finally disappearing.

It took her some minutes to understand what just happened as she forcefully pulled back, looking at Azren and spoke as if nothing happened
"I told you.....not to touch me....."

Azren widened his eyes for a second then turned back to his expression. "Are you dumb or just playing it? You were going to get killed by your selfish character"
He turned his back to Naidari and began walking"And move those legs of yours, because I'm not saving you the second time...."

Naidari crossed her arms. He was right, he had just saved her life and she wasn't even grateful, but didn't say anything and followed him."where are we going?"

Azren kept looking straight"in the first village we find, to make sure we won't die starving. But first we need to dress as normal humans. I'm telling you, no one will welcome a demon next to an elf...."

   She walked closer to him as her voice was turning into a whisper"what was that creature...?"
  Azren kept silent for some seconds then answered cold blooded"you don't need to know."


A.N( another chapter done. I hope it's at least interesting 😘)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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