Part 1

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Pitch Perfect 4

Year: 2020

Beca is a successful solo artist. Now she is moving to L.A to start a life as an actress/ singer. On the way to her new apartment Beca sings then she sees a person, does she know him from somewhere. Then she realizes it's her College ex-boyfriend Jesse Swanson.

As she gets closer to her apartment she starts to remember and realize how much she misses him and she is all alone in L.A. while she is unpacking her stuff she gets an offer for the leading role Lisa Brickman in a musical/movie 10 years ago in an email from Theo Her agent. It says met up in 5 min at café acapella. Beca realizes that café acapella is in the building next to hers.

When she goes into the café she sees Jesse with some girl properly his girlfriend. Or ex-girlfriend because, as Beca walks by the table the girl hits Jesse in the face and walks out the door. He turns around looks at Beca and asks "are you here for the audition as Lisa Brickman? The producer will be here in a minute" and in walks no other than Benjamin Appelbaum aka Benji Jesses roommate in College.

" Hey Jess, how is it going?" "I'm fine I just broke up with Nina but I'm ok. By the way this is the one I told you about she is auditioning for Lisa Brickman, that's why I told you to come over." Jesse turns away from Benji and looks directly at Beca, then his face changes and then he realizes it's Beca. Jesse starts smiling stands up and hugs Beca and says three small words with a big meaning "I missed you." Beca answers "I guess I missed you to Jesse. So tell me what is this movie about then?" they all three sit down in a booth Benji starts talking.

"So this movie is about..... Jesse I think you should be the one to tell her." Jesse clears his voices and says "the movie is about us......... How we first met fell in love, and how I made the biggest mistake of my entire life............ breaking up with you." Beca doesn't move or speak so Jesse goes on "When we broke up I started to realize what I had lost, given up on, it was all my fault and I saw it, so I started dating Nina as a consolation price, but the truth is she was never you and I never stopped thinking so instead of crying over you I decided to make a movie about it so I could get it out of my system and stop other people from making the same mistake as me."

After some minutes Beca starts to look normal again she looks at Jesse and says " About us? It was you who wanted this. And now you saying that you regret it? Really Jess you regret it? Years ago you said we were meant to be together that our future was together and not apart and see where we ended up. You are a director who is trying to hire his ex-girlfriend who now is a solo artist. You are trying to hire me to play me? In a musical about our time together? Why? Why are you trying to get the past back? You can't Jesse. I don't think I can be with you again after what you did."

Jesse looks at Beca "your right I was kind of a jerk I'm sorry Becs. And I know that I can't just think that everything is ok. The truth is I really mis you and I think I still love you."

Beca looks at Jesse and says "Jesse I don't think you're in love with me, I can do this movie but I can't be with you." Beca looks at Benji "nice to see you again Benji and this was GREAT bye." Beca gets up and leaves.

Days have past and the movie has failed Beca sits on her bed when she gets a text from fat Amy: I just spoke with Bumper we got a spot at the international competition. Beca rights too Amy: Are we all going to preform together?

Amy: that's was the plan.

Beca: I can't Amy you know that.

Amy: you need some confidence I'm coming over.

Beca: what! You're in New York.

Then somebody knocks on the door. "Amy?! What are you doing here?" "Beca you love Jesse, you need to be together."


Sorry i know this is really bad. but thanks for reading any way.

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