Part 2

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Beca's POV

Jesse all i can think of is Jesse. Why is this happening.

Ever since I saw him at the café I can't seem to get him out of my mind .

We are having our first practice today as a group I don't want to go but I have to somehow I became the leader.

I rush in everybody is staring at me. Most of them with concerned faces but as always Aubrey looks mad "Beca you're late why did we chose you to be the leader again?" "Because she after all is the person who got us to the top" Chloe interrupts. I finally get a chance to look around i can see Chloe and Aubrey of course, Fat Amy, Lilly, Cynthia Rose, Jessica, Ashley, Emily, Benji, Bumper and Donald but no Jesse. why isn't he here did he not show up because of me. In some way i was relieved, but a part of me wanted to see him. my thoughts was interrupted by none other than Jesse yelling "I'm here I'm here sorry."

*Time skip to after practice*

Chloe's POV

"Jesse can I talk to you for a minute?" I quickly gazed over at Beca and then back at Jesse " Yeah what's up." I hesitate and then say " I know you love Beca...... But! Don't get your hopes up. I know she still loves you but it took her almost three years to talk to the Bella's again. She built her walls back up and shut everybody and everything out. I don't want you to destroy her again." I'm on the urge of crying I miss the old happy Beca and thinking about the past years makes me cry.

Jesse's POV

I've got tears in my eyes so does Chloe. I look at her one last time then I leave.

On my way home I can't stop crying. what have I done this is my fault. It was me who moved to L.A. me who called of the long distance. I should've fought for us, not just give up. I have to see her I don't care what Chloe thinks i should do we are adults and we can figure this out our self. I thought about just heading straight over to Beca's but I need this to be perfect. There is only one thing that can save us and for that i need some help.

Beca's POV

Why did he have to come back I spend god knows how much time to get over him and yet I still love him. I just can't handle getting my heart broke again. Do I want to give him a second chance anyway or should I move again and try to get over him for good? Then I stop there's a strange noise but i can't track it. Then i notice lights in the back yard (I change it so now Beca is living in a house. I just thought it was more fitting) by the pool. Then I see him standing in the middle surrounded by all the bellas and trebles singing 'don't you' just like I sang it too him all those years ago. "Jesse what are you doing?" he hands the mic to Benji who starts to sing 'just the way you are' mixed with 'marry you' . "Beca... Becs I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry it have taken me so long to realize but I promise you, if of course you let me, that from now on I will love and fight for you every day, hour, minute and second until my dying berth and after that too. I hope I'm not rushing into something but i can't stand being away from you any longer so Beca Mitchell will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"


i just want to say that I'm sorry for not updating 

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