Should I?

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Now today, we were practising for our MHCS got talent shit, and taehyunqs- told me that today was Sehun, from EXO's b-day and told me to make a fic about it.

So while messing around with Lil_Addict's tab, we got to wattpad, and I immediately start typing. (( writing? Typing? :/ ))

And I never got to finish it due to-practising- but I showed her what I did and saidit was cute and fluffy, which got me thinkin.

' Huh, then does that mean I can write a oneshot book :D ?'

' But then again, it will just be all shitty genderbent shit.'

' No one will read it. I suck at writing dudes. '

But thinking back at it now, since the only one who ever read this book are close friends and stuff.

So I wouldn't even get a kick out of it, so I concluded I shouldn't.

But thats just me, tell me if I should, shouldn't, or...

Not even try.


You decide.

(( I already am planning for the imagines book in may so yeah, too many books ))

- ._.

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