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"Where do you want this?" Yoongi looked over and saw Taehyung holding two heavy boxes. Clearly he was struggling and had sweat forming on his forehead. The July heat was ruthless and there were no clouds to paint over the burning sun.

"Can't you read? It says 'bedroom' on the box." Yoongi rolled his eyes, groaning from all the weight on his arms. This was their sixth trip back from carrying boxes. What made it worse was that the elevator was currently out of service, making the task much more strenuous.

They had just begun taking everything from Tae's truck into Yoongi's new apartment. Neither of the two wanted to do it but it had to be done. Taehyung was basically obligated to do it since he was Yoongi's best and only friend. 

Taehyung, after setting box in said room, came back into the living room to see Yoongi setting up the tv. "You can do that later, let's finish getting everything out of my truck first. We only have a few more boxes. Well, I do at least. You told me I couldn't touch your computer."

Yoongi was an aspiring author but he had to have a day job to help pay with bills. He wasn't that well known, only releasing two books beforehand. They weren't great enough for a Nobel Prize but he loved reading the articles about his books, even if there were very few. 

His day job was your typical office job; his work schedule included filing papers, taking calls, data entry, and other computer work. Definitely wasn't his dream job (would be a full-time author if he could) but it paid the bills. 

"I hate this." Yoongi got up from his spot on the floor and went with Taehyung down the stairs again to the younger's truck. There were only four more boxes left. With them carrying two each, they would finally be done.

"After this, wanna grab a bite?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah sure, I heard there's this new chinese place down the street." They set the boxes inside and huffed a breath of victory. Taehyung happily agreed and a mischievous looked flashed through his eyes. "You get to pay though, Hyung!"

"Such a brat, why do I even hang out with you"

"Because you love me, Hyung."


Taehyung let out a gasp.

The bickering continued as they closed the apartment door and made their way down the stairs.
Meanwhile, while the two were out, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jeongguk were scoping out the place. They were looking in the boxes and trying to get to know everything about the new owner of the apartment.

Jeongguk snorted as he pulled out a kumamon blanket from the box labeled 'bedroom'. "Wow, I never expected someone like him to like kumamon."

The man wasn't scary looking but he definitely didn't look like a softie. He put the blanket back in its place and shuffled through some other boxes.

Jimin was in the kitchen going through the pantry. He noticed that there was nothing in the fridge but already dry foods in the pantry. From ramen packets to store made cookies, Jimin's mouth was watering.

He wished he could eat but it would just go right through him. Fake sniffling, he closed the pantry doors and moved onto another section of the kitchen.

Lastly, Hoseok was in the living room. He already set up Yoongi's small tv and put on some show called Weekly Idol. He remembered that show had only been out for a year when he died. He was surprised to see that the show was still on air.

"Jimin-ah, come here." He called out, eyes not leaving the tv. It's been a long time since someone has moved into the apartment, he was happy that there was finally something else to do around here.

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