Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, May Allah (S.W.T) all those who are ill and grant everyone good health. May He (S.W.T) guide us all towards right and strengthen our Imaan, Aameen.This is another favourite of mines! I absolutely love this Nasheed, it's so comforting for me and meaningful!
Lyrics of the Nasheed...
سبيلُ الدّموعِ سبيلٌ مريحْ
تنهّد أيا صاحِ كي تستريحْ
وبُثّ الدّعاءَ الخفيَّ الصّريحْ
يسعْكَ الفضاءُ الرَّحيبُ الفسيحْفَبِاللهِ كَمْ تستطبُّ القُروحْ
ويبرأُ جُرحُ الكَسيرِ الجريحْ
وينشطُ ذاكَ السّقيمُ العَلِيلْوقد كانَ بالسُّقم دهرٌ طريحْ
تقالُ العِثارُ العِظامُ بهِ
ويغدو الهوا كَكبشٍ ذبيحْ
بِذكر الإلهِ تطيبُ الحياة
تُسرُّ أساريرَ وجهٍ صبيحْتنحّ أيا حزنُ واهجُر فؤاداً
توكّل بِجدٍّ بعزمٍ فصيحْ
فإنّي عَلِمتُ بأنّكَ نَجْوى
ولبسُ خبيثٍ مضلٍّ قبيحْ
تبختر ترجّل بصوتٍ وخيلٍ
فمالكَ في الأرضِ دربٌ صحيحْ
إلى الله عُدنا وبالله لُذن
ليُطْوى زمانٌ بئيسٌ شحيحْThe way of the tears is the way to comfort
Sigh my friend so you can rest
And make emotional supplications in private
The universe will encompass your voiceAnd by the will of Allah all wounds heal
And the broken and wounded hearts recover
And the sick and ill become full of strength againWhile before they laid there sick
Grand sins become pardoned by Allah
Mans whims and desires become like a slaughtered offer
With remembering Allah, life becomes pleasant
The glance of a bright face will shine againStep aside o grief and leave my heart
Rely with determination and honesty upon The lord
For I know now that you whisper in private
And that you are an evil and misleading cover
Incite whoever you can with your voice and assault with your horses
For you have no straight path upon this earth
To Allah we have returned and under his refuge we shelter
To end a scarce and a harsh era (And to start a new life)May Allah (S.W.T) solve all the difficulties of those suffering, help them through it and grant them patience, Aameen.
Guys, make sure you offer your 5 times Salah properly, read Qur'an everyday even if it's few verses...just open the Qur'an please!Give Sadqah every day even if it's a penny for you never know from which calamity it's going to save you!
Be good and kind to everyone and help each other become better person and Muslim.
Remember everyone in your Duas!
Alhamdulillah for everything!!Until next time In shaa Allah,
Fee Amanillah!Aameen Summa Aameen!
The Islamic Message
SpiritualIslamic messages for all my readers ☺️ Hope it inspires you all and help you lead a better life by the words of Allah SWT and Prophet SAWS❤️ May Allah SWT guide us all?Aameen? Cover credit- @_Diarra_16