Sex -sexual intercourse or any sexual activity between two lovers.
Minor -significant of lesser importantce
Slut - a person who sleeps with another person other than your lover
Kinky -involving or given and unusual sexual behavior
Cum -a white substance that comes out of a person when they have sexual intercourse
Fuck -a word people use all the time its also when a boy and a girl have sexual intercourse
Dildo -a type of sexual toy used for adults when they have sexual intercourse
Cock -a part of the boys lower body that hangs between his legs.
Pussy -a part of the females lower body part.
Boobs -a part of the females upper body that produces milk when babies are formed
Ddlg -a type of relationship that has bondage, rules, punishment and stuff like that
Bdsm -sexual practice that involves the tying up or restraining of one partner.