Her World

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In the beginning, he lived. He never had any proof as such that he did, but he felt, at the very least, very much alive. He was careful, precise and of great intelligence, but content, nonetheless. Then he met her.

She was not at all like him. She was not at all like anyone he'd ever met before. She owned no one place, no one time, no one name. She shifted, like sand in an hourglass, in every possible way. She was evil, then she wasn't, caring, and then not, manipulative, and then no longer. For that reason, she had no one. She too was living, far more than he ever could, and that is why she shifted, why she had to shift. She was in exile, and yet was unwillingly welcomed, she had no place anywhere at all, and yet she existed at the core of any place she wished, in plain site and yet perfectly hidden. She was different every day, but to him she was always beautiful. He fell in love with a being more evasive than the sunlight that reflected off of her sparkling eyes, and he would pay for that, he knew it even then.

She loved him too, greatly. She took him along with her, through all her places, through all her times, through all of her. She knew she shouldn't, but she loved him so. She alone could hide in the open, but the open was not big enough for the both of them. Glimpses of them could be seen, but as she shifted, she couldn't be recognised. He could never shift, for he wasn't made to do so. They chased after him. Unknowingly, they chased after her too, for the sins they said he committed were her doings as well. They would be caught.

But he could not allow her to be caught. He loved her too much. He was, it must be accounted for, careful, precise and of great intelligence, and so he tried to hide and contain her. He made a world for her, with that intention. But she was too alive to be hidden, too bright to be contained and he could not force her. He loved her too much. But she shifted constantly, one must remember. And if they both were found they would be separated, there was no question. So she shifted into her self, over and over, until she was smaller than the reflection of the sunlight in her lovers eye.

Having done this, the place he built was not too small to contain her any more. On the contrary, it was no longer just a place, but an entire world to her. The trickles of water were now oceans she couldn't see across , the uneven grounds mountains with peaks hidden from her eyes by their size. They could never see the place for it was too small and yet to her, this world had no ends. She would never have to hide or shift again. To her, it was perfect. It was harder for him, for although he had her world hidden in his closed fist, he could never see her like before. But he made do, because he loved her.

It was easier for him to hide now that he was one. He remembered everything that she had taught him and managed to hide. He wasn't a natural like her, of course, but he learned well and managed decently. He was surrounded by strangers but she was alone, and while she had him for company, it wasn't the same, for she could never see him. So she grew lonely. When she told him this, he was greatly upset and disappointed in himself for not having anticipated as much. So he remembered every being she shifted into before she stopped, and he made his memories into beings of the same size as her, and they went to live in her world which he hid inside his fist, as separate beings for her company. Then she was happy again.

But they were still searching for him and, while she helped him as best she could from her world, it was difficult. Time, like space was condensed in her world, meaning that while only a week had passed for him, she was growing old. The day they caught him, they found her world also, but he had taken such care in the construction of her world that try as they might they could not destroy it. And since she had been hiding from them far longer than him, they offered him a deal; if he could ask her to shift until she was their size again, he could go free and his crimes could be forgiven. But he couldn't. He loved her too much.

So they punished him alone (he wasn't even able to say goodbye); for as long as her world existed, he would be made to torture every being that died on it, as they were all made in her image. So, as his world turned to nothing but pain, his only hope would be to one day see her when she died, but at the same time it was the moment he spent every minute fearing, for he would be made to torture her. He never gave up hope of seeing her, he loved her too much. He never knew he could never see her again, as the day they caught him was the day she died.

Thank you for reading! Please tell me what you think xx Kat

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