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Today is the worst day of my life, I have to move from my cozy home in Southgate, Michigan to this really big house (more like mansion) in Malibu,

California. I mean I'm not complaining but I'm going to miss my life here In Michigan my friends, my school, and some of my family. But I won't miss this Michigan weather lol.

Today my dad let me go to school for the last day me and my friends were goofing around, making jokes, and remembering all the good times we had since 1st grade I mean I've lived here all my life and now I'm leaving, for good.

When the last bell rung my heart dropped I looked at Stacy, Cara, Tammy, and Valerie and we just burst out in tears. I can't believe after 9 years I won't see these girls any more, ugh I hate this soo much. "Why does his stupid job have to move" I wailed. After we said our goodbyes my mom came to pick me up and I yelled bye to all my friends out the window.

When we got home I finished telling the movers where I want what, in which boxes in my room. Once they were done I packed my bag to take to the air port and a carry on then we were off to Cali.

On the airplane


When we boarded the plane I seen that we had first class seats, ohhh cool maybe this trip won't be so bad. As the plane started to take off I started to drift asleep, then I was awakened by my loud mother telling me we where here. As we exited the plane my father led us to the car which wasn't a car it was a freakin limo for Christ sake.

As we arrive to our stupid new house, I get out and go explore my stupid new house, in this stupid new town, ugh I hate it I wanna go home, but this is my home and this is my town.

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