The Accident.

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"(Y/N), please wake up!"

"Agh...-wha-where-" You opened your eyes to find a fluffy red haired man sitting beside your bed.

"Oh thank god!"

"Wh-who are you?" You gasped.

"Wh-what do you mean... I-it's me... Josh"

"Umm..." You looked up at 'Josh' with a confused look.

The man's face filled with dread and gloom.

"Y-you..." He stuttered. "D-don't re-remember m-me...?"

"I-I'm sorry..?" You said, trying to sound apologetic. What else were you supposed to say?? This man who claims his name his 'Josh', is in your room, sitting next to your bed, and is insisted that he knows you!

You take a look around your room and quickly realise that you are far from where you think you are. The walls are white, there is one window to the right side of you, there is a fire door in the left corner, your bed sheets are white, there's some machines making horrible beeping noises and the 'Josh' guy is sitting on a blue chair, along with another 3 blue chairs in a row.

"Ummmm... This isn't my room" You say, a little frightened now.

"You're in the hospital" a woman's voice says. It makes you jump.

"I'm Diana, your doctor" she smiles.

"My doc-...what??"

Josh is starting to fidget in his chair.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dr. Diana asks.

"What do you mean... I-I'm so confused... Who is this man? Why am I in the hospital? What happened!?" You say, slowly raising your voice. You're starting to get agitated.

"Wh-why doesn't she re-remember me..." Josh asks, tears in his eyes.

"She's suffering from a head injury Mr Dun. We are still running some tests to see exactly what damage has been done to the brain" Dr. Diana answers.

"H-head injury??" You look over at Josh. He is staring blankly out of the window now, biting his bottom lip.

"You have been in a car crash (Y/N). So far your only visible injury's is damage to your head, and you seem to be having difficulty remembering things. We are currently checking x-rays of your brain" Dr. Diana says calmly.

"Difficulty remembering things" you echoed. "What things have I forgotten?"

"Well, you seem to have forgotten what has happened to you, how it happened to you, and... um..." She turned to Josh.

"Me" he breathed in. His voice was very shaky.

"Who are you...?"

"Your boyfriend"

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