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« the prophecy »

« the prophecy »

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There are some complications when Alice goes into labour, but due to the help of the experienced midwife, everything turns out smoothly. After an exhausting hour, she is finally blessed with the sight of her baby boy.

Tears pool up in her eyes when Augusta places the crying child in her arms, and Alice immediately forgets the pain that she has gone through. The baby squirms in her hold, but she shushes him lovingly, rocking him on her lap. He has a very pale face, but his cheeks her pink, and small tuft of silky blonde hair is visible on his head. When she puts her hand over him, his tiny fingers clutch at one of her own, and Alice breaks down into tears once again.

"I'm going to protect you," she whispers softly. "I know you came to this world during a bad time. But I will protect you with everything I have, I will take all the pain in the world for you. Don't you worry, my baby. You will grow up into a beautiful human being and make all of us proud."

Augusta laughs softly. When she raises her brows questioningly at her, she says, "This young man decided to stick his legs out first, rather than his head. He is going to be a rebel. Mark my words."

Alice laughs and places a watery kiss on his forehead.

That night, when the child has fallen asleep, Alice finally gets the time to talk to Frank.

It has been a rough day for all of them. Her water has broken suddenly, and due to the extreme precautions taken to protect them, she wasn't able to be taken to St Mungo's. However, Frank has gone there and fetched a midwife, and a few hours later, the baby was born.

He is a fussy child, Alice notices the first thing about him. Nothing seems to satisfy him easily, and it has taken Alice several tries to find the perfect spot on her lap that makes him happy. Even then, he keeps squirming, moving his little arms around while she breastfeeds him.

At the end of the day, she is exhausted, and so are Frank and Augusta, who have been running around to find the foods to satisfy Alice's cravings. As much as she tries to convince them that she doesn't want anything special, that she would be happy to have whatever they have on the kitchen, none of them listens. Thus, after her baby has fallen asleep, Augusta goes straight to bed, while Alice leans up against Frank's side, draping her arms around his waist.

"Isn't he beautiful, Frank?" she asks, watching as her son sleeps peacefully in the middle of the bed, a single, light blanket placed over him. "He's got your nose."

She doesn't see him, but she can hear his smile when he speaks. "And he has your hair and your face. I'm sure he'll take after you in personality too."

"You can't be sure about that," she laughs, and adds after a small pause. "Have you thought about what you'd call him?"

Frank peers into her face and gives her a sly smile. "No, but something tells me you have."

Alice smiles demurely. "I want to call him Neville."

"Neville," Frank says, testing the word in his lips. "Neville Longbottom." Then he smiles at her. "I love it."

Alice presses a kiss to his lips and lies down on the bed, before she feels Frank's arms coming up around her. With a smile, she closes her eyes and falls asleep almost instantly, and for the first time in months, she dreams of all the pleasant things of the universe, and none of the raging nightmare of the real world dares to seep into her slumber.

The next morning, they get a visit from Dumbledore.

Alice is pleased initially, thinking that he has come to see her son, thinking that the war hasn't really managed to tear away any happiness from them. But her smile fades when she sees the grave look in his eyes.

"The Potters also had their son yesterday," he says. Alice and Frank exchange confused glances. Why would Dumbledore come to deliver this news, and why would he look so grave? "Last night, to be precise."

Alice decides to ignore the tone on his voice and smiles at her husband. "Do you hear that, Frank? This is great! Our sons could be best friends."

"I know, Alice," he answers, but the smile on his face is forced. He frowns at their former Headmaster. "What else do you want to say, Dumbledore?"

"There has been a prophecy," he answers. "Regarding Lord Voldemort. It says that someone born as the seventh month dies, who has parents who have thrice defied the Dark Lord, would have the power to defeat him. The Dark Lord shall choose him –"

But the words fade away, no longer reaching Alice's ears. She doesn't need to hear what the rest of the prophecy says. She knows it's about her son, and the Potter's. A vacuum builds up in her chest and she staggers to her feet, unable to breath. Frank tries to hold her but she pushes him away and stumbles into her bedroom, where her son, Neville, sleeps.

She crawls over to him and kisses his cheek gently. "It's alright, baby," she soothes. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise you that. Okay? Mama will protect you. You will be safe. None of the bad things can touch you. Your Mama and Papa, we will both keep you safe. Don't worry. Don't you be scared at all."

She continues to speak to him although she knows that he doesn't understand her, nor is he conscious enough to even be able to listen to her. But she doesn't care. She lies beside him and continues to speak her promises, keeping them in her heart, where they will be stored safely. Tears roll down her cheeks but her voice remains steady.

Nothing will happen to her baby as long she is alive.

Several minutes later, Frank arrives, looking distraught. She doesn't ask him what has happened, for she has very clearly heard him yelling, followed by the sound of china crashing into the wall. Instead, she scoots over and allows him to lie down beside her.

A few moments of silence pass.

"Dumbledore said that he will arrange to provide stronger enchantments in our house. He's going to –"

But Alice presses her palm gently over his mouth and stops him. "I know. They will do everything they can. I trust them." Her voice comes out surprisingly hollow of any emotions.

Simultaneously, they wrap their arms around each other. Alice buries her face in his chest, surprised herself at the lack of tears. "We will protect him, Frank," she whispers.

"Yes," he mutters hollowly. "We will."

"I love you."

"I love you."


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