part 1

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Who knew?
His mind was wandering when suddenly he felt a tiny hand lightly tap him on the shoulder. "Suga hyung it's time for your dance lesson." Startled, Suga replied "ah I almost forgot," he added shyly "you really don't have to do this its honestly a bit embarrassing asking for something like this." Jimin let out a soft chuckle and replied "anything for hyung and besides I like spending time with you." He winked at Suga, making his heart beat so fast and so hard that he thought that Jimin must hear it.

With that Jimin turned on his heel then motioned with his hand for Suga to come. Hesitantly Suga got up to follow him. They walked for a bit and Suga realized that they were going a weird way "Jiminie I'm pretty sure the practice room is that way," he said with confusion. "Ah I wasn't planning on going there, I can hardly relax in there and we already spend too much time there. I thought it would be nice to take you to one of my favorite places to relax." Jimin replied without hesitation.

When he heard no reply Jimin stopped and turned around with a soft smile, "you trust me right, hyung?" Suga gulped and replied "y-yeah." They continued with little conversation outside and then to a secluded garden that was filled with flowers of all color and type. "We're here hyung... Ahh isn't the smell wonderful it's one of the things that I love most about this place." "It really is beautiful," Suga replied breathlessly.

He was too busy admiring how perfectly Jimin's hair lay on his head. He let out a sigh which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin who was busy stretching. Jimin gave Suga a look of confusion which made him blush profusely and quickly turn away and pretend to look at the flowers. "How did you find this place," Suga asked. "As you probably already know I'm a sucker for flowers and I asked around for a place that might be like this and was led here. I really am grateful I feel like it's the only real place where I can truly think." Jimin replied with a look of fondness on his face.

Suga was startled by the passionate confession but was suddenly snapped out of it by a loud clap from Jimin. "Alright hyung lets get this started, if you work hard we can really make your dancing look beautiful," Jimin said with a strength and a confidence that made Suga feel as light as air and as confident in himself as he'd ever been. With a big smile he jogged over to Jimin and began to practice.

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