Prologue: Centuries Awakening

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow reads and followers, here is the prologue and as soon as this is published. I will publish the Bio and if you didn't read the description. You (the reader) had something important taken from you long ago and you're half vampire,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"Teams RWBY and JNPR has mission to investigate a tomb with some scientists and they were moving rocks outta the way to get in the tombs and they moved one rock outta the way and all the rocks fell and the path became clear and they walked outta the cave.........
Yang: "Okay. You guys can come in now."
.........the scientists walk in and they set up lights and everyone got their own flashlights and they looked around and they found another path and they went down it and as they did they placed some glow sticks on the ground to see where they walked from and they had to be sure they knew how to get back.........
Ruby: "Ugh, this is boring. I thought this was a Grimm mission."
Weiss: "Well, this is a better way to learn Ruby."
Ruby: "Well allow did was move rocks outta the way and we're in a tomb. That could be empty."
Weiss: "I would have to agree with you a little Ruby."
.........then as they were walking, all of the sudden Jaune appeared........
Weiss: *shrieks* "Jaune. Don't do that."
Jaune: "Sorry. But, you two get everyone and come see this."
Ruby: "What is it?"
Jaune: "Something amazing."
........everyone arrived and they saw a big walk way and they saw a giant tomb and everyone was amazed at Jaune's discovery and they looked around and then they walked into the center and everyone looked in amazement and they saw how everything looked........
Pyrrha: "Jaune, you found something."
Ren: "Look at all these designs. They're centuries old."
Nora: "Cool."
........they look around and Ruby goes into the center of the room and sees some kind of object and she goes to it and inspects it and she smiles........
Ruby: "Hey guys, come look at this."
........they walk up to it and they inspect it as well.......
Yang: "Woah. What's this thing?"
Blake: "I looks like some kind of switch."
Weiss: "But, to what?"
Jaune: "What if it's a switch to traps?"
.........they back up and Ruby goes to it and she placed her hand on it and she sighs.......
Ruby: "Don't worry everyone, it's no trap."
.........they breathed in relief and Ruby still looked at it and patted the top of the thing and then claw like knifes came out trapping Ruby's hand making her bleed.........
Ruby: *screams in pain*
Yang: "Ruby."
........then they try to get her out of it and it had a strong grip and Ruby's blood spilled into it and then Nora was gonna break it, but the knifes disappeared and Ruby held her hand.........
Weiss: "My gosh."
........then they patched up her hand and then some shaking was felt and the entire tomb started shaking and the floor was glowing red and everyone gets up........
........they run out and it continues shaking and the room was glowing red and as everyone was running they see all of the tomb is not shaking and they look and the red glow disappears. Then the y walk out and they return to Beacon and they reported the thing to Ozpin, then as everyone was setting down. Ruby looks at her hand.........
Ruby: "Did you guys think it was a trap?"
Jaune: "I don't think so, I didn't see anything else moving moving in the room. It looked like it was opening something."

Back at the Tomb

.........and back at the tomb something opened up from the floor and something came from the floor and it suddenly glew that same red and it opened up and a guy falls out and he slowly regains consciousness and he stands up and he walks out, then he makes his way out of the tomb and he sees a bright light and he blocks it..........
Scientist 1: "Hey, who're you? How'd you get in here?"
........the guy couldn't reply and and he passes out and the scientists run to him and he calls Ozpin and they take him to the medical center and Team RWBY and JNPR arrived and they saw him sitting on the bed.........
Scientist 1: "Was he in the tomb with you?"
Jaune: "No, we never seen him."
Pyrrha: "Nor met him. What happened?"
Scientist 2: "He just appeared from the tomb and he passed out."
Ozpin: "Well, who is he?"
Doctor: "We don't know. But, by his looks and they way he is. He's in mid 20s."
Weiss: "He could be the same age as my sister. But, maybe we should talk to him."
Doctor: "I would recommend it since he was in the tomb."
.........they walk in and the look at him and he turns and looks at them and he looks at Ruby and his eyes widen, and he stands up........
Jaune: "Uhhh, hey buddy. How're you doing?"
????: *points at Ruby* "You. What's your name?"
Ruby: "Umm, my name is Ruby Rose."
????: "What's today?"
Yang: "It's Saturday."
????: "No, not the day. What year is it?"
........they were confused, then he looks at the calendar and sees the year and his eyes widen........
????: "It's been that long?"
Yang: *whispers* "I bet this guy is crazy in the head."
........then she looks at him and he's close to her face and she screams........
Yang: "What? How'd you........"
????: "Just be quiet. This might seem a shocker, name is (Y/N)."
........he takes off his mask with helmet and it shocked everyone when he has Ruby's black hair with red tips and he looked at them with silver eyes and everyone was shocked."
(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) Rose. And I'm your ancestor Ruby."
Ruby: "What?"

To be continued.........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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