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Marcos pov

What? Why? Dammit. "Why do I have to be partners with prissy pink princess here?" I glance over at star- who looked sad. "What ever" I say, pissed. 

She shyly walked over to me, and she looked scared. "Um... hi- again" I roll my eyes and walk away, avoiding her. "Go to hell" I say, under my breath.

She frowned. I can see it out of the corner of my eyes, and she started forming tears. I walk back to her, and I can tell she put on a fake smile. 

"Princess, I don't do damn projects. Since your preppy ass is smart, you do it,"

Stars POV

I held back my tears and bit my lip. Why does this have to happen to me on my first day of my new school? I feel so hated, and I just want people to like me. My thoughts kept telling me to stay positive, so I tried and acted like a lady. "Okay," I say to him, fake smiling 

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