promise iv

338 18 15

-- first girlfriend --

-- age 12 --

"Katlynnnnnn," I groaned tiredly and hugged my pillow closer to my chest.

"Go away, the last cookie is mine," I mumbled, still half asleep. Sniffling, I tightened the blankets around me and yawned.

"It's 11:00. How are you still sleeping?!"

A body dropped on top of mine, cutting off my air supply. I dramatically gasped and tried to move from beneath him. With no success I let out a weird noise from the back of my throat.

"Ashton, get the hell off me!" My eyes barely open, I blindly reached out an arm to try and push his body off of my own.

Ignoring my attempts and protests, Ashton giggled and shifted on top of me. "Get up!"

"Why?!" I half groaned half yelled.

"Because I'm bored and you're my best friend. Therefore its your job to entertain me." he explained, resting his head on the back of my shoulder.

"That wasn't in the job description." I muttered, my eyes fighting against me, refusing to stay open.

Ashton laughed and finally rolled off me, only to lay beside me.

"Yeah but you loooooove me." He laughed poking me repeatedly.

"Piss off," I swatted his hand away and lifted the sheets over my head.

"Katlynn Jordan if you don't get your butt out of this bed I will not hesitate to slap you." Ashton stated firmly

"Yeah and I'll poke you with your drumstick. How does that sound?" I muttered tiredly, desperately trying to get back to sleep.

I liked to consider myself a very happy person. I mean, I was quite patient and was always in the mood to play but I was definitely not a morning person. But on the other Ashton was. The boy was basically my personal alarm clock. If it weren't for him, the amount of times I would've been late this year would have gotten me kicked out of school.

"Rude." He stated, grabbing one of my pillows.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I snickered, turning my head to look at him beside me. He pouted at me, swatting my shoulder with his hand.

"Why must you be so..." I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to finish his sentence.

"So?" I questioned.

"Frustratingly sarcastic!" He yelped, throwing his hands in the air. I laughed and smiled.

"Big words Ash, I'm proud of you." I snickered, covering my mouth when I let out a yawn.

"See? You are literally the Queen of sarcasm." He brushed his hair out of his eyes impatiently, grinning at me.

"Bow down to me peasant."

He gave me a flat look, no trace of humour on his face. "Get out of bed."

I pouted. "Meanie."


I anxiously plucked at the grass at my feet, eyeing my worn out shoes. I was sat alone on one of the park benches, waiting for Ashton's arrival. He's never been this late before, what the hell is taking him so long?

I glanced around at the kids around me, chewing on my lip. I hated being alone, actually I despised it. I always felt so insecure, I'm not one of those confident girls. Ashton was like my security blanket; he protected me, he made me feel safe.

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