promise i

295 11 2

-- first day of school --

-- age six --

"Mummy, I'm scared." I whined, clutching onto my mother's leg as tightly as I possibly could. My mum looked down at me, taking in my trembling body and pleading eyes.

"Sweetie," she began. She flicked her blonde hair off her shoulder, picked me up and placed me on her hip.

"You have nothing to be worried about! You'll make friends and before you know it; you'll be home again! Okay? You'll be fine." She brushed her fingers across my cheek and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. She smiled widely and pecked my forehead quickly. Regardless of her words, I was still nervous. I was practically shaking in my boots.

"Mummy," I dragged out, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Katlynn," she retorted in the same tone. (She would only call me Katlynn when she was teasing me; usually she would call me Lynn. With that said, she was the only one who could call me Lynn.) Considering I was the one with my hair in two ponytails and was clad in a uncomfortable school uniform, my mum was acting like a bigger kid than I was. I shot her a look and poked my tongue out, giggling loudly when she did the same.

"But I don't wanna," I dragged out again, jutting out my bottom lip.

"But you're gonna have to," she teased back again, her green eyes alight as always.

"Meanie." I mumbled, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Bigger meanie." She retorted with no hesitation.

"Really big meanie." I mumbled back, smirking that little bit. Mum smirked and without looking at me, she responded.

"Big big big meanie."

"Gigantic meanie."

"Ginormous meanie."

"The biggest meanie in the whole world!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air, giggling uncontrollably.

"Alright, Lynn you win," she sighed, grinning at me widely. I grinned triumphantly, proud to beat my mum at something.

"but Lynn, you still have to go." she smirked, noticing my frown and narrowed eyes. I was right. She was a meanie.

"Poop head." I grumbled, crossing my arms across my chest again

"I'll take that as a compliment." She smirked, not looking at me. I huffed. Of course she did.


"Bye Lynn! Have fun! Make some friends! I'll be here to pick you up before you know it!"

I lazily lifted my arm into the air and waved, watching my mum's retreating figure.

"C'mon Katlynn," My new teacher, whom I've already forgotten the name of, clasped her bony hand on my shoulder. I turned my head, my ponytails swaying with me, to look at her. She smiled warmly at me, showing off her perfectly white teeth.

"Let's go meet everyone else!" She gently picked up my hand and guided me to the group of children seated on the floor, chatting away. She smiled once again and I timidly returned it before she let go of my hand and walked to the front of the room. I hesitantly sat down, peering at everyone's faces seeing no one familiar. I nervously chewed on my lip and wrung my hands.

Oh boy, there was no turning back now.

"Good morning class! Welcome to you're first day of primary school! Now I'm your teacher, Mrs Pearce,"

I smirked to myself. So that was her name. I pondered, wondering how I forgot in the first place.

"I hope everyone enjoys there first year at school!" She continued, smiling down at everyone. I think I was going to like this teacher.

"So first things first, lets get to know each other! I want everyone to sit in a circle, easy enough yeah?"

She stopped, to watch everyone nod eagerly.

"Brilliant! Let's get started!"

After what seemed like hours of shuffling around, we were finally sat in a perfect circle one the floor. So far, everyone already seemed to know each other and had fallen perfectly into their own friendship groups. So whilst everyone was giggling with their friends, I was awkwardly wedged between a boy I didn't know and a girl who really looked like she didn't want to be here, as she glared at everything around her, myself included. The boy however, turned his body around to face me and held out his hand.

"Hi! I'm Ashton! What's your name?" He grinned at me, waiting for a response and two dimples appeared on either cheek, much like my own. His hair was an unruly mess; curly and wild, messily placed on his head. He was wearing the school uniform although it was sloppily placed on his body. His shirt was tucked out, his jacked seemed about twenty times to big for him and one of his shoes were untied.

"I'm Katlynn." I said, shyly clasping my hand around his.

"Kat-lann?" he questioned cutely, tilting his head to the side. I shook my own giggling.

"Katlynn." I repeated, smiling.

"That's too hard to say! I'm going to call you Kat." he said triumphantly.

"Kat?" I questioned.

"Kat." He confirmed.

He ginned goofily at me and shook our hands furiously. I giggled uncontrollably as my whole body began to wobble at his actions.

"Stop! I'm gonna die!" I shrieked, still giggling in between words. He giggled at my words and let go of my hand.

"You're funny! Lets be friends!" He sad excitedly, jumping up that little bit.

I bit my lip.

"Friends?" I questioned, watching him curiously. He shook his head, making his curls fly everywhere and held out his hand, this time with his pinky extended in the air.

"Best friends." He confirmed, clearly waiting for me to hook my pinky around his. I smile widely at Ashton and interlocked our fingers.

"I promise, we'll be friends forever!" He said, smiling at me, his eyes shinning. I returned the gesture and smiled too.

"I promise."



If you haven't figured it out we're going back in time y'all ooooooOOoo

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