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Zhong Chenle was a rich kid. His parents spoiled him and gave him everything. He wasn't a brat though, he was a very nice boy and treated people as he would want to be treated. He never made fun of people and always bought things for his friends. He donated money to charity and worked part time at an animal shelter. He had good grades in school and helped tutor students that needed help. He was every parent's ideal child and every kid's ideal friend. Well, except for Park Jisung, he hated Zhong Chenle.

It started the first day that Jisung ever laid eyes upon Chenle. Jisung thought that he was small and cute, but all that changed once he found out that Chenle was a Zhong. He despises rich families for many reasons, but the biggest reason was because they were selfish—Jisung's family always struggled financially. He knows that Chenle isn't selfish though, and that's what bothers him. How can a rich person be so nice and generous? He just doesn't get it. If Jisung had money, he'd spend it on everything he's ever wanted, not give it away to others. It makes Jisung so angry to know Zhong Chenle.

Although Jisung may hate him, he's never done anything to the smaller boy. He may have told him off once, but that doesn't count as doing anything to him. Jisung also knows that he can't do anything even if he wanted to. Because Chenle would tell his parents and Jisung would get his ass kicked for sure—not by Chenle himself, but by his own parents for doing that to someone, not to mention that he'd probably get expelled from school for beating up The Zhong Chenle.

Of course, he can't avoid Chenle forever, they're bound to have some sort of encounter. Jisung just wishes it wasn't during school where there were cameras and people. They were just passing each other in the hall like normal students do everyday. Chenle walking with his group of friends and Jisung walking alone—it wasn't because he didn't have friends that he was alone though, he just liked peace and quiet. Neither of them uttered a word to one another, but they made eye contact, like they always do. For some reason though, it pushed Jisung over the edge. He paused in his step and snapped around to look at the fluffy blond hair. Oh, how he loathed Zhong Chenle.

Jisung has self control, so he didn't go after the blond like he wanted to. He had to remind himself that the smaller boy didn't even do anything to him. Yes, that's right, because he's nice, he wouldn't do anything. Now Jisung's angry again. He turns around and rushes to the bathroom and locks himself in a stall. He sits on the toilet with his head in his hands, and takes some deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. Why did Chenle have to look at him today? He can't deal with this right now. His thoughts are interrupted by the squeak of the bathroom door. Jisung peaks out of the crack of the stall door to see who it is. His breath hitches. No fucking way. It's Zhong Chenle.

Jisung can't believe what he's seeing. He looks around a bit, not seeing any of Chenle's friends. Is he alone? Can Jisung actually take his chance to beat him up and not get in trouble? He ponders for a moment, is this actually worth it? Hell yeah. If no one sees it, then how can Chenle have proof that it was Jisung that did this to him? He watches as Chenle enters the stall beside him, then waits until the smaller boy is done peeing and exits the stall to wash his hands in the sink. "Now's my chance." Jisung thinks. He opens the door of his stall and walks up to the sink beside the one occupied by Zhong Chenle.

"Oh, hey, Jisung."


"How are you?"


Except he wasn't fine, not one bit. First of all, why are they talking casually like they're acquaintances? Because they're anything but. And second of all, he never beat anyone up before, so he doesn't exactly know when and how to start. Does he wait a couple seconds until Chenle's about to leave? Or does he just do it now? Should he shove him a bit first? Or just punch him in the face right away? Chenle is drying his hands, Jisung needs to make up his mind before it's too late. Does he actually want to do this, though? Yes, he does, no time for second thoughts now, because he's about to beat the shit out of Zhong Chenle.

Chenle reaches for the bathroom door handle, and Jisung lunges at him, grabbing his arm and yanking him back. Chenle lets out a frightened gasp as he's slammed back against the sink, the edge of it jabbing him in the back. "Finally." Jisung thinks. He's finally going to do it. He stares down at Chenle, looking into big, scared, brown eyes. Now he's angry again. He takes his anger out on a blow to Chenle's face. Chenle yelps, stumbles and falls to the floor. He raises a hand up to hold his aching cheek and looks up at Jisung with disbelief and tears in his eyes. Jisung smirks at him, it feels good to punch him. Jisung waits for Chenle to stand up before knocking him down again, watching as the smaller boy spits out blood—he must've bit his tongue—and lets out a few choked sobs. Jisung yanks him up by his shirt collar and Chenle covers his face with a plead of "Please stop!" Jisung stares at him for a moment, wondering, "Why is he still using manners in a situation like this?" Chenle's politeness makes Jisung even angrier.

"Why are you like this?!" Jisung yells, throwing Chenle to the floor. He walks to the opposite end of the bathroom, pacing back and forth, trying to calm himself down some.

"Fuck!" He screams. Chenle flinches and pulls himself up. He doesn't know why Park Jisung is beating him up, nor does he know what he did to piss him off. Since Chenle is a pacifist and doesn't like hurting people—or people hurting him—he wants to talk things out rather than physically fighting. He gulps down his fear—tries to at least—and voices his question.

"W-What did I do to make you angry?"

Jisung's head snaps to Chenle's direction. "What did you do? What didn't you do?! Everything's your fault!" He screams at the smaller boy. Chenle's confused. What does Jisung mean?

"What do—What do you mean?"

"You fucking idiot! You're so nice and friendly and polite and you fucking suck!" Jisung yells. "I'm fucking in love with you, you piece of shit!"

Chenle almost chokes upon hearing that. Why would someone hurt the person they love? As if just stating it wasn't enough, Jisung goes up to the blond, grabs him by the back of the neck, and pulls him towards himself until their lips meet in a not-so-gentle kiss. Chenle struggles against the taller boy's firm hold, almost tripping as he's pushed back against the wall. He pushes on the other's chest in an attempt to get away so he could breathe. When he's released, he gasps for breath, a bit dizzy from the lack of air.


"Shut up." Jisung grabs Chenle by the back of his neck again, gentle this time, and presses his lips to the blond's. Chenle doesn't push him away this time, instead he hold onto Jisung's shirt, and moves his lips so they're lined up properly with the other's. Their kiss is simple, just lips pressed against lips, with shaky breaths and pounding hearts. Jisung slides his hand to the side of Chenle's face to wipe the tears from before as his other hand finds it's way to the boy's hip. They stay like that for a few seconds, until Jisung pulls away to stare into Chenle's eyes, and Chenle doesn't know what to do with the butterflies in his stomach.

"Sorry." Jisung whispers. He legs go of the smaller boy and makes his way to the bathroom door. "We should probably go to class."

"Yeah..."Chenle watches as Jisung exits through the door, waiting until the door closes to release the breath he didn't know he was holding. He slides down to the floor and sits there thinking to himself. Love hurts.

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