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It's been three days since Park Jisung made eye contact with Zhong Chenle, three days since  Park Jisung got pissed off at Zhong Chenle, three days since Park Jisung wanted to beat up Zhong Chenle, three days since Park Jisung did beat up Zhong Chenle, three days since Park Jisung confessed his feelings for Zhong Chenle, three days since Park Jisung kissed Zhong Chenle, three days since Zhong Chenle kissed Park Jisung back, three days since Park Jisung's life went downhill.

It's Monday morning and Park Jisung is wide awake at such an early hour of 5:30 a.m. He's been having trouble sleeping for these past three nights because his mind has been filled with one constant thing, one constant person. He keeps recalling the events of Friday afternoon, the day that everything happened with Zhong Chenle. Jisung doesn't regret doing anything that he did. He feels he had the right to act the way he acted, feels nothing was his fault to begin with. He got angry at Chenle because Chenle pissed him off. He beat up Chenle because Chenle pissed him off. He confessed to Chenle because Chenle pissed him off. He kissed Chenle because Chenle pissed him off. Everything happened because Chenle pissed him off. So, therefore, he thinks everything is Chenle's fault. Why should he feel guilty for anything if he wasn't even the one that started it to begin with? He doesn't feel guilty at all. And he shouldn't, because nothing was his fault.

Its 7:30 a.m. now, just about time for Jisung to catch the bus to school. He grabs his book bag from the kitchen table after finishing his breakfast and heads for the front door, giving his mother a quick kiss on the cheek on his way out. He walks up the street to the bus stop, seeing his friend Jaemin already waiting there for him. Jaemin is two years older than Jisung and they've been best friends since they were little. They don't see each other in school often because Jaemin is a grade above Jisung, but they see each other a lot outside of school because they only live a block away from one another. 

"Hey, Jisung!" Jaemin yells, waving his hand in the air. Jisung waves back, arriving just in time to get on the bus. They sit together in the very last seat like usual, both pulling out their phones and earbuds. Jisung relaxes in his seat, puts on a random song from his playlist, closes his eyes, and rests his head against the window. He doesn't really wanna go to school. And it's not because he doesn't like it, it's because he doesn't like him. Jisung could really go without seeing Zhong Chenle today.

Jisung is at his locker putting away his chemistry book, switching notebooks and folders out for other classes. It's already 4th period and he hasn't seen Chenle at all. Maybe he's sick and didn't come to school today, or maybe he didn't come because he didn't wanna see Jisung, or maybe he is in school but has been avoiding Jisung. Whatever it is, Jisung hopes that he can see him soon—not because he wants to see him or anything, but because he doesn't want Chenle, one of the top students, to miss any school. Yeah, that's it. Jisung doesn't like Chenle. Just because you confess to someone doesn't mean you have to like them, right? Totally not.

Jisung kicks his locker closed and goes off to geometry class, just making it before the bell rings. He sits at his desk and pulls out his notebook and pencil and stares at the numbers on the chalk board. He doesn't focus on anything the teacher is teaching, though, instead he focuses on the one thought in his mind. Oh, how he wishes he could forget Zhong Chenle's existence.

It's finally lunch time and Jisung is starving. He darts down to the cafeteria to be the first in line for whatever's to eat, which happens to be something gross, so he goes to the salad bar instead. Once he has his food on his tray and handed the lunch lady his money, he sits down at the small table in the corner by himself. He doesn't really have friends. He's about to shove his salad in his mouth when he recognizes a familiar high pitched laugh. His head snaps to the right to see a blond haired boy smiling and laughing with his friends three tables away from him. "Where the fuck has he been all day?" Jisung wants to go up to him and yell in his face about how he was worried about him because he wasn't in period two—the class that he and Chenle are in together—and didn't see him in the halls, but Chenle is around his friends, and Jisung is sure they don't like him considering they were around that time he told Chenle off. He decides to stay at his table and watch him, looking for the perfect moment to jump him, well, maybe not jump him, but definitely try to talk to him. Luck must be on his side today as he sees Chenle get up from his table to go dump his tray, without any of his friends with him. Jisung follows him over to the trash cans. When Chenle places his tray on the counter for the lunch lady to take, Jisung grabs his wrist.

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