Bangers Ball

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I dragged the body in the end toilet and put him there.
I peeked out the door and looked around. There was another guard in the door way. I got the laser from the huns light and flashed in on the floor until the guard noticed it. The. He came to the door. I hid behind the door and watched him walk until the. End of the toilet block. Then I shot in the neck, I was aiming for the head. But it was a lousy shot. He dropped the floor. I heard his radio asking him where he was.
I'm not crazy. I just like fun. I can kill without thinking I developed that over the years.
In Gotham u can't have someone you loved because it'll get them killed.
I answered the radio call.
"Come and get me" I chuckled.
I heard the man shouting who is this. Then I heard him say a code to his workers. I need a distraction if they are coming. I got the bodies into a 'weird' and questionable position. That most adults can understand. That'll catch their eye. Then I wrote with the blood. 'Shaggy' with an arrow pointing to it. Then put the radio in the toilet. Then I put the potted plant behind the door, giving me cover. Then they went into the bathroom. Well just the one. He chuckled at first. He shouted to his friends saying to come look at this. I had to act quickly. Then I shot him straight through the hip. Paralysing him.
It's weird having that power, to ruin the rest of someone's life.
He screamed in agony so I shot him in the heart to bleed out. Another one of his workers came in and busted through the toilet doors. I was out of ammo. Time for my knife. I went to the next toilet silently. And as he opened the door I started stabbing at his face. Blood went everywhere. My purple dress became a magenta with the stained blood. My hair came undone and my makeup was messed up.
I can be a killer. Don't give me an excuse, I may be thirteen but I can handle myself with a knife.
He wasn't dead to I kept on stabbing him on the floor even though he tried to fight back. The. One of his friends snuck up behind me and held the gun to the back of my head. He said to come with him, but I want in a position to debate. I already killed three people. The he tried to bring me to the front where everyone is. To humiliate me. Great. He bung me to the boss on the Second floor which is more of a inside balcony.
" I found her boss, she had killed three of our men" he muttered.
"Well, well Well." He said coming closer to me.
I looked at the ground at my feet. He put his fingers on my chin and lifted it up.
"Aren't you a smart cookie hay?" He uttered,
He grabbed my hands and lifted it up, it brought all the civilians attention.
"WHO IS SHE?!" He shouted in a loud voice.
Nobody answered.
"ANYONE?" He replied shortly.
Then Bruce stood up.
"Leave her Alone!" He shouted.
Not cool Bruce. Your going to get yourself killed.
"Well well we'll." He said,
"What have we got here?!" He smiled.
"Go away Bruce!" I shouted.
"No!" He replied.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted back.
"Your scared I get-"
"SCARED?!" I interrupted.
"I CAN HANDLE PAIN!" I shouted back with tears in my eyes.
Bruce sat down with fear in his face.
"So, What will it be." I turned to the guy.
"Kill me? Slit. My. Throat?" I said sarcastically.
"Funny aren't you kid," he smiled,
"Bring the boy" he ordered.
Fear ran through my bones.
Bruce was brought up here. He looked me up and down. The blood.
"Please, I'll do anything. He had nothing to do with this, he is just stupid." I said.
The boss held my wrist.
"Slit his throat" he said to the man.
I snapped.
The man was about to move to Bruce and I grabbed the knife by the blade cutting my fingers, I broke from the bosses clutch and killed the bad guy. I backed Bruce behind me waving the knife. I was bleeding. But who cares.
The boss just clapped.
"Very well done." He added.
"So, here's the deal." He started.
"I can let the boy free, but you'll have to come with me."
"Or I can kill the boy and you can be free." He smiled,
"What will it be." He asked,
"I'll go with you."I said,
"But I will walk the boy to the door to know he will get out safe." I negotiated.
"I'll have to cuff you," he smiled.
"Fine" I added
Finally police sirens had come into hearing, at least my anxiety will rest. At least Bruce will be ok.
He walks behind me, holding a gun to my head. Me, still soaked in blood and Bruce worried to death; I can see Alfred. Alfred looked like he was about to cry. Bruce and me stoped at the door and looked at each other. He had tears in his eyes and red checks.
"I don't want to go.." he muttered.
"You have to!" I replied.
"I don't! I can't leave you.." he added.
"Bruce! It's you or me, I can handle pain. At least they haven't got one thing over me.." I said.
That one thing was him.
"Bruce, just go. Alfred is worried sick, your holding up the people." I said holding back the tears.
"When will I see you again-"
"Just go bruce! Just go.." I shouted in pain.
I watched him walk out the door. It was pure pain. The truth was I never knew if I'd see him again. But at least he's safe.
"I'll find you! I will!" He shouted from outside the door.
I smiled as they took me as a hostage. They pulled be back.
Then.. I could hear gun shots.

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