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Jimin returned home late from his outing with yoongi

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Jimin returned home late from his outing with yoongi. he was in a state of bliss, holding his boyfriend's hand over the car's console as yoongi turned onto the street leading to their neighborhood.

"you really listen to this?" he asked, turning the volume up on the radio a bit higher. xavier wulf's thunderman blared with it's heavy bass through yoongi's speakers, rattling the floor to where jimin could feel it through the seat.

"are you judging me, park?" yoongi quipped, squeezing jimin's hand lightly. a smile tugged on jimin's lips, but he said nothing more.

his attention was caught elsewhere, flashing lights in the direction of their street rendering him into a state of confusion. there was a shift in the atmosphere, then, yoongi's demeanor becoming subdued as well. "whats going on?" he mumbled more to himself, turning the car down the road slowly.

he hadn't gotten far. quickly swerving to a stop, alarm wracked through both boy's once seeing cop cars litter the block. "what the hell?" jimin leaned forward, placing his hands on the dashboard. the seatbelt strained against his chest, but he barely felt the subtle discomfort of it cutting into the side of his neck just over his shoulder.

he was more concerned with the fact most of police cars with their unsightly, flashing lights were hounding his house.

"jimin—" yoongi hissed, arm outstretched and just barely grasping the back of the younger's shirt as he quickly exited the car. yoongi breathed a sentence consisting of only swears, parking his car along the lawn of a random house, exiting and catching up to jimin.

there were several people outside, nosily looking towards the park residence if they weren't also surrounding the house. "what if they caught him?" jimin was breathless by the time yoongi made it to his side. they were stood outside of namjoon's house; jimin felt paralyzed in his place.

"your stalker?" yoongi asked dumbly, not having thought out his question before speaking. jimin's face fell into that of unimpressed annoyance, "no, the fucking muffin man, yoongi."

yoongi scratched at the back of his head and looked towards jimin's home. "and what if they hadn't?" he was quiet, just as nervous as jimin was. "we can't be too hopeful, i mean, the police is in front of your house; that could mean anything."

"my parents!" panic blossomed abruptly across jimin's face. his eyes wide in concern, hands latching onto the sweatshirt yoongi had to buy from the aquarium being that his shirt was completely soaked. he hadn't had the time to blink before jimin began sprinting down the sidewalk.

"jiminie!" jimin's mother shouted from above the chatter of the crowd after spotting her son. she was still dressed in her uniform, looking frazzled as she took her son into her arms. an officer made the approach to stop him from advancing forward, but jimin twisted away from him smoothly.

"are you okay?" the mother and son asked in unison, embracing each other. jimin scanned her appearance for anything out of place, but she looked relatively alright.

"of course i am," he said, "where's dad? what happened?"

"he's being spoken to by an officer," she pointed to a spot behind her, where mr. park was being questioned by two cops in a conversation that looked daunting. jimin's skin crawled, suddenly growing nauseous. "what happened?" he asked again.

"a lot." she sighed something heavy and tiring, bags sinking the skin under her eyes and flesh looking pale and sickly under the lamp post lighting and emergency lights, "someone broke in."

jimin's perfect day morphed into something dreadful. he felt as if his entrails were twisting and coiling into themselves, stomach knotted with a brain induced sickness. "they've apprehended the perpetrators." more than one. jimin begun to experience vertigo, his breathing had shallowed and his heart beat rapidly, rattling his ribcage.

he hadn't realized he was swaying until several hands begun to support his being, legs giving out under his weight. he looked up to find the faces of his mom and yoongi, each shuffling to get him seated on the steps of the porch.

in his sitting against the wall under the window overlooking the lawn, jimin blacked in and out of reality. it was like the calm that settled over the past few weeks of temporary freedom hadn't a chance to ripple, but fell through completely. he was only but blanketed in a sheer and false illusion of what it'd look like living a life absent of torment.

he felt toyed with. he knew he was being toyed with.

his body broke out into a clammy, cold sweat. his bottom lip and chin quivered violently, but he refused to sob in the midst of pandemonium. he thought, somewhere in the crowd, he'd seen hoseok and taehyung, but oil-slick colored splotches interrupted his sight.

"honey," mrs. min kneeled down, taking her son's face into your hands. "you'll be staying with yoongi tonight. the investigation is still going on and you're not well. i need you to be well, jimin," she sniffed through her tightening words, clearing her throat, "i'll pick you up first thing in the morning, but you need to rest."

he nodded. at least, he thinks he nodded. he attempted to stand, but his knees buckled and he slumped ungraciously onto the wooden floor again. hands were slotted under her armpits and he was hoisted up with support by yoongi, the blond throwing jimin's arm over his shoulder.

"i'll take care of him," he briefly heard his boyfriend say, his voice sounding far away, "i promise."

this was supposed to be longer but i didn't feel like going into detail with the investigation and whatnot.

anyway! what are your thoughts chicos y chicas?

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