Chapter 6

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Hey. I haven't seen you guys in a while. Well im getting straight to the story.


-After school-

Zacks P.O.V

During the bus ride home I stare at her number in disbelief. How can someone as pretty as her give me her number? I put in her number quickly and then race home so I can call her. Wait.... I don't wanna seem to desperate but I also don't wanna wait to long. Ugh. I'll eat and maybe shower then call. But what if that's to long? Ugh. This is complicated.

-few hours later-

Okay. I've waited a while. Should I wait a while longer? No ill do it now... All of a sudden I before i know it im calling skylar and i try to sound as casual and calm as possible.

-phone call-


"H-H-Hey. I just wanted to make sure I had the right number."

"Oh. Well yeah. You got it right." She replays.

" Okay. So I was wandering.... Are you free Friday night?"

"Uhhh. Let me check. Hold on. "

After a few minutes I finally hear her pick up the phone.

"Yup. "

" Okay well the Amazing Spider-man 2 came out. Wanna go watch it with me?"

"Sure. I have to go. Goodnight!"

I can feel myself smiling from ear to ear. I wander if he evens considers this a date. Well this is gonna be the best day ever. I could tell she smiled when she said "Yup" I check the time and it's barely 4:30. I grab my jacket and tell my parents I'm going out with friends. When really imma gonna practice magic. I walk into the alley with my hood on and start to practice my magic. I concentrate hard as all of a sudden a blue ball of lighting starts to form in my hands slowly then growing in size. I then do make other balls. Some of wind and fire. Others with lighting and water. I already know how to block and throw these so I'm improving. All of a sudden I hear footsteps. Us sorcerers have very sharp hearing.

" W-Who's there " all of a sudden I see a book being throw at me. Woah. I sense there magic. There a little stronger then me.

" So that's how it's gonna be?" I say as I throw another lighting ball at them. Before I know it. I get hit with a barrel on the head and the ground suddenly meets up with me.


That's it. Imma gonna keep writing this. So Keep reading and Voting!!!!👍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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