Chapter 1

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"Saying different things knowing we lie. No limit to the sky long as we fly." - Kid Ink

So do you see that picture of Selena and Ethan Hawk? Just picture Selena in that outfit in that movie 'Getaway' but in this story, they have different and complete different personalities.

Enjoy my loves x

Chapter One
"Someone's Hot"

Selena's Pov

Dear Selena,

I know I hardly get to see you and I'm always busy, but I really do hope that this new beast is what you wanted for Your birthday. I'm sorry I couldn't come and visit you personally and celebrate your birthday with you.

I love you with all of my heart and stay out of trouble kiddo.

With love,

Dad xx

"Pft, of course you wouldn't visit me" I scoff, scrunching the letter in my hand and throwing it away, making it rebound off the wall and into the bin.

I lean against my garage wall, examining the car before my eyes. It is a black sleek sports car with flashy mags on it and with black tints and also with a neon green lightening strike on both sides of the car. It's the type of car that every boy would want but obviously, most girls would gag and would rather spend their money or expect their Dad to buy them a trolley worth of clothes, shoes, etc. I am in love with this Vector Avtech WX8 Hypercar sports car that's right in front of my eyes.

I grab the keys out of my pocket and lock the car doors and head inside, towards the kitchen to make myself some dinner.

Dad also paid for my small apartment and he also put money in my bank account so I could have enough food in the fridge and that I was getting supplies to keep myself healthy. Dad is a health-natic, he's always telling me to eat healthy food whenever we talk over the phone when we get the chance to but that's like once a month.

As I finish off making my 2-minute noodles, I put it in a small bowl. I walk over to the small dinning table and sit down with my small bowl in my hands. As I'm eating, I look down at my watch to see that its actually pretty late. It's like 12:45pm on a Saturday night and normally I don't stay up this late, I love going to bed early -weird, I know- but who cares anyways.

I look at the garage door that's right next to the kitchen. I am so eager to have a ride in my car, or even have a burnout or something. The car looks so good for a race, I honestly do wish that I could be a racer but Dad said that I couldn't join the club because its 'to dangerous' and because 'I am a girl and girls don't do that'. Honestly, why would he care anyway? he's always gone and I hardly see him and he barely doesn't make time for a day out with me, never.

Finishing off my noodles with my last one, I get up from my seat and walk towards the garage door and open it, to see my baby in front of me. I let out a happy giggle as I look at the neon green lightening strike on my car, making me feel like a million bucks.

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