Chapter 9 (rough draft)

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"What are you doing?" Kenric hissed in Ivy's ear, shocked at how eager she was to join a group of questionable men. Did she not understand how dangerous that could be?

"Getting us through the blockade." She blew a strand of hair off her face, then grabbed Sweetie's reins out of his hands.

Curse that stubborn woman! She was likely going to get them killed by a pair of scoundrels. He could tell the men were up to no good, and he did not appreciate the way the blond man looked at Ivy. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand out and his fingers itch to grab his sword. He hoped her foolish plan would work so they could quickly rid themselves of the untrustworthy men. In the meantime, he would keep her as close to him as possible.

He pushed her toward Sweetie's saddle. "Get on."

"All right." She brushed his hands away from her. "I can get on your horse myself."

Kenric shook his head. Why had he ever come back for her?

Once she was positioned, he hopped up behind her and spurred Sweetie forward. The two men moved close together, whispered something, then encouraged their horses on.

The feeling of unease grew and tugged at Kenric's chest. Was it only concern about getting passed the soldiers, or was it because of the men?

About an hour later he moved in front of them and stopped. He had an idea how to further disguise Ivy and get beyond the blockade. "The soldiers are about fifteen minutes ahead of here. I have a plan to get us through quickly. I propose we say that she has leprosy."

Ivy turned her head sharply toward at him. "What was that?"

"Leprosy." He dismounted. "We wrap and cover you, then walk through. Believe me, the soldiers will want nothing to do with you and will send us on our way. Then the two of you," he nodded toward the men, "can be off."

He helped Ivy from the horse.

"I have some old rags you can use," the blond said in a gravelly voice. He watched Ivy's every move. He finally looked away to dig in a pack from which he pulled a soiled and ratty tunic. He jumped from his horse and approached Ivy.

Kenric stepped between them. "I will take it. Thank you."

The man glared down at him, and Kenric sized him up. He stood a good half a head taller than Kenric and had much broader shoulders. Kenric was fast—probably much faster than the man—but he had no desire to get in a fight with the blond.

Instead of handing over the shirt, the man ripped it apart with harsh, brutal jerks and handed the strands to Kenric, who wrapped them around Ivy's arms. Then he put some on her face to cover up the repulsed look that distorted her rather lovely features. Joining the men had been her idea, after all, so she could reap some of the consequences. He just hoped there wouldn't be any consequences they couldn't handle.

When Ivy was sufficiently covered and back on Sweetie, Kenric grabbed the reins and led out. The men followed. All too soon, the line of soldiers appeared before them. Kenric took a deep breath, then approached them.

"Halt!" A soldier stepped forward. "What is your destination?"

Kenric and the others stopped. "We travel to Embry to take my sister to the leprosarium there."

A look of panic swept across the soldier's face and he stepped back. He glanced warily at Ivy. "She is a leper?"

Kenric hung his head. "Yes. She started with the disease a year ago, but it has advanced in the last month." He looked up and ran a hand through his hair. "My mother decided it was best to send her away—so that it does not spread to us."

The soldier took another step back. "Where have you traveled from?"

"From Austerdale, just over the mountain." Thankfully Kenric's time in the king's army had familiarized him with the surrounding areas. "It is a distance to travel, but it is for the best. I hate to see my dear sister go, but the sores on her arms have spread to her chest, neck, and face. My mother fears its rapid progress. Do any of you have expertise on leprosy? Perhaps you could see if she is as bad as my mother believes."

Kenric walked next to Ivy and started to unwrap her bandaging.

"No, no!" the soldier cried. "I am sure your mother is correct. Hurry on and get her out of here."

"Thank you." Kenric hid his pleasure at the success of his plan behind a frown and led Sweetie on. He walked until they were far enough away from the guards that they couldn't hear or see them, then he turned off the road and stopped.

Before he could turn to help Ivy down, she jumped from the mare and ripped a strip of the filthy tunic off her head.

"That is foul!" She uncovered her face and spit into the dirt, then brushed the remaining strips off her hair.

The sunlight glinted across her light copper hair and sparkled in her crystal-blue eyes. Kenric couldn't help but stare. He had rescued her and argued with her so many times, yet never truly noticed her beauty. He supposed he had been too irritated with her to see her clearly. With a shake of his head he turned away.

The dark-haired man stood next to his horse and also watched Ivy, but Kenric couldn't see the blond. A malicious grin spread across the dark man's face. Kenric's stomach to turn over. He spun around in time to see the blond sneak up on Ivy from behind.

"Ivy!" he screamed.

She turned just as the man grabbed her, drew his sword, and placed it across her exposed neck.

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