Chapter 10

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          The drive home from Jim's was awkward ass shit to be completely honest

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          The drive home from Jim's was awkward ass shit to be completely honest. After I had came back from doing karaoke it seemed like Hunters attitude did a complete one eighty.

I don't know how to explain it he was just acting different. Maybe my singing was so bad that he started to find me annoying or something—I don't fucking know.

The drive was just filled with silence, not the comfortable kind. Celine called me twice asking where I was, but I just didn't feel like answering.

We finally pull up to my apartment complex. I started to get kind of annoyed with his silence so I broke it "Hunter did I do something wrong cause you've been acting real weird since we got in this car"

"It's nothing I'm just tired" he responds with a straight tone

"Okay" I said dragging out the word "I'm just gonna go. Thanks for the ride and taking me out" I was getting a little upset cause I could just tell when someone is not being straight forward with me and he was not.

I go to unlock the door of the car and step out, that's when this time he speaks up "I'll walk you to your door" he said going to unbuckle his seat belt

I cut him off "no I'm fine I can manage" I said with a clip in my voice "you have a goodnight Hunter"

After that was said I went up to my apartment, I was confused and just exhausted at the same time.

I walked into the apartment to see Celine waiting for me on the couch, "you can't pick up phones now?" She questioned

"My bad" I say without a care, I didn't need her treating me like a kid if I wanted that treatment I would've stayed living at home.

"New York is a dangerous city, you can't just not call me. You had me worried"

"Listen I'm sorry, won't happen again" I say heading to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"So where exactly did you go?"

"Just out to eat" I say vaguely

"By yourself?" she questions

"No with Hunter Reece" I say quickly before taking a sip of the water bottle

"Lemme move my bang real quick so I can make sure I heard that correctly. You went out to eat with Giants quarterback Hunter Reece?!"
She says in disbelief

I just simply nod.

"Now wait one minute when were you going to tell me this?! Nadia, I need all the tea! You've been withholding from me hoe!"

I go to sit on the stool in from of the kitchen counter "there's not much to tell" I start by saying

"I don't care, now spill" Celine said sitting up

"Well....I guess you can say me and Hunter are friends"

"And this happened how?"

"I actually ran into him when I went to that job interview at ESPN—like literally ran into him" I continued "to make a short story even shorter, he followed me on Instagram liking my pics and stuff"

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