Chapter 40

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Anxiety. It could hit you at anytime, it's unrelenting.

It happened after Hunter dropped me off and after I saw the Instagram picture of me he posted.

At the moment, it made me smile. Hunter always seemed to take the best pictures of me without me looking. The caption was even cuter "an actual Queen", it read.

Smiling at the picture, my phone in hand, I walked out of the room in search of Celine.

I ended up finding her in her bedroom.

"Celine look" I said with a bright smile on my face.

Looking up from her phone, she stares at my phone screen that I faced in her direction.

"Yeah I just saw that, The ShadeRoom posted it on their page. The photo is extremely cute, but what's not cute is these comments" she said shaking her head

"Well what are they saying?" I asked curiously taking a seat at the corner of her bed.

"You're better off not looking at it. There just ignorant and stupid ass comments from people who don't have a life. Always got some shit to say. Don't even worry about it." She said rolling her eyes

"Okay Celine I won't" I chuckled "you know some people get a sick kick out of talking shit about others on the internet. They know damn well they wouldn't say half those things to someone's face."

"Rightttt?!!" She said in agreement "half these girls jealous you with Hunter and they not!"

"I'm not even gonna worry myself about it. I knew that shit was gonna happen." I said shaking my head

I knew going public about our relationship, there was gonna be shit talking on the internet. It all was inevitable, at the end of the day our relationship consisted of Hunter and I—no one else.

"Okay well I'm gonna get ready for bed. See you in the morning" I said getting up from her bed and began walking out of her room

"Alright" she says back

Which brings me to now, I couldn't see myself going to bed anytime soon. It was around 1 am and my ass was scrolling mindlessly deep in the Instagram explore page.

This was kind of a routine for me something I'd do every night—a bad habit I have to get rid of.

My phone vibrated in my hand notifying me I got a message from Hunter:

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