Transfiguration Class.

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It is the time for Harry to go to his class. He seems to hesitate at first because he might or might not need to either  bring or leave draco.

Draco seems like he will never let go of Harry's hand. They are walking together to the Transfiguration class. As they are infront of the door, Harry takes a deep breath and push the door. He enters the class.

For merlin sakes, all of the Gryfindors are now looking at him. Most of them are about to laugh, bloody hell! Well, who wouldn't when they see Harry Potter with his lovely small enemy holding  onto his hand walking inside of the class. It's just pure,

“ Who you got there Harry?
A Malfoy?         ”                

It was said by one of his ‘favourite’
red heads, Ronald Weasly. More known as,  Ron. He could feel embarrassment rising within
himself. He looks down just to see
the blonde little Slytherin looking up on him with big, scared eyes.

With full of guiltiness and
fatherhood, he picks up the small
little Malfoy and places him down on a sit beside Hermione Granger. Swiftly, he takes the seat beside the small boy and ruffles his head.

“ This sure will be the longest
day I ever had in Hogwarts,
Draco. You're getting it      
once you're big enough.      ”

- tbc -

wong time no see,
wong time no see.
Dwaco is b a c k <3
sowwy, ai was vewy
busy with school and
exams heuheuheu

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