puck is going back...

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It's time to go back...i can already feel the pull towards my body as Goliath pulls my chains and breaks them. I flew and took Demona with me into the mirror. She sat down, told me to go away. I wanted to give her something for allowing me to wake up for the first time in many years besides when I'm owen burnett. She did make me upset and so i decided to do the one thing she both wanted and hated. Now during the day she will be a human and during the night, her usually self.

Then i left, i went to where my body was and was sucked in.

I fell asleep, the next day i woke up in spirit and left my still sleeping body and went to become owen again.

I wonder when I'll finally be able to move my actual body. I actually haven't touched anyone in many years, it may seem like i do but I'm using my magic to do so.

So to anyone else, they see me touching whatever it is I'm touching in that moment. I haven't even been able to hold anything, so i practically use magic for everything...

I wish i could use my actual hands and not just magic but i can't touch anything in this state unless i try really hard.

The chains on my body have a spell on them, it forces my real body to sleep while my spirit can roam free until it's limit is up, which can take a certain amount of time, it depends on how long i stay in my real body. I can't use my magic to get the chains off...i already tried...and gave up a long time ago..

~time skip to when owen becomes puck after his lord/king is here~

I turned into my usually self after i somewhat confronted my lord as owen.

I saw the hurt and anger in his eye's...I'm sorry my lord, but i never wanted this to happen. We talked for a while and i explained why i was here pretending to be human and all.

By accident, my hand went through something and he saw. His eye's narrowed, staring at my hand or arm. What's he staring at? I couldn't help but wonder. I looked to see what he was staring at and to my horror, my hand was through the wall.

The same one that i let my hand touch something, i didn't mean to do that and now he knows somethings up because i know he saw the confusion in my eye's when he was staring at my hand.

I moved my hand quickly behind my back, worried and a bit relieved to know that my lord knows something's up and wrong with me.

Usually i do have to know if i want to go through things and my lord knows this. I know that he knows because of my confusion and all that stuff. I also know no one saw what just happened between us.

I grew uncomfortable as his narrowed eye's became a glare.

My eye's look to the side and refused to look at him, i could tell he wanted me to look him in the eye's.

But i just couldn't, not after that.."Puck..What's wrong with you?" my lord asked as everyone else looked confused and all that stuff. "What do you mean my lord? There's nothing wrong with me." i said still averting my eye's.

His glare darkens a bit "You know that we both know that is a lie. I saw your confusion as i noticed your hand slipped through that wall. You didn't notice it, so i know you weren't using your magic at all. So how could you do that? Tell me the truth." he said as everyone looks at me.

I can't hide it anymore...i have to tell them..."I...I'm stuck here...i can't even leave even if i wanted to...I'm sorry i couldn't answer to the gathering but i can not even leave this world..." i said completely serious and without a riddle or so.

He frowns as everyone looks confused. "What do you mean you can't leave?" he asked. "Ok..I'll show you.." i said as i opened a portal back home, but when i try and enter even a small part of my body, I'm pushed back and the portal closes itself.

"See? I can't leave no matter how hard i try..." i said with a hint of sorrow.

His frown deepens, "What's keeping you here puck?" he asked.

Instead of saying anything, i opened another portal, this time showing my body, chained up and asleep/unconscious. "This is the reason why...my real body has been asleep for a very long time..." i said, i saw the anger growing in his eye's...along with a few other emotions. "How and when did this happen puck?" he asked me as i floated a little bit over to them.

"I say around the time it happened was some time after leaving...well it wasn't really my choice in that matter. I still don't know how people know how to summon me...it always confuses me that i find that some people can summon me without a warning or anything...i believe it was the first or second time i was summoned...they used that mirror, my lord. As soon as i passed that mirror after being summoned, i already got chains on me, i felt sleepy with them on...so i fell asleep...and didn't wake for so long..." i said and began to feel the pull towards my body.

"So it happened that long ago...who dares do that to one of us!?" he was pissed.

I flinched back a bit and he noticed it and calmed immediately..on the outside that is...I could tell he was raging on in the inside. "Why did you flinch puck?" he asked me as they all look back at me again.. "well..uh...i..when i was asleep..i could feel whoever it was that summoned me, was very, very, very angry! I...think they might have...i don't know..hit me a few times when i was asleep?" i said and backed away immediately in terror and they all had a pissed off look.

They all looked very scary! My lord and my boss more so since they knew me a bit.

My lord knew me as puck and my boss knew me as owen and kinda a bit on puck...so i guess they take it somewhat like a threat or something...i don't know..."Maybe if you take my body with you...i might be able to go home." i said.

The pull got even stronger as i stayed away longer...i started going to my body."Wait puck what are you doing?" i heard someone say but didn't really pay attention to it.

"The pull is getting stronger...i can't resist it any longer...i need to get back in my body again and sleep for a while...if you need to get to my body, do so now, it is locked to any outsider unless i open a portal to it. You can't get in any other way. You can leave with my body but not get in without me. It always hurts to stay so long out of my body after being summoned...Lucky i wasn't summoned, but the pull gets stronger the longer I'm out of my body." i said as i came closer to my body.

My hands started to reach out on impulse, i heard them follow me as i went through the portal.

I finally reached my body and touch it, i was sucked in.

Then i was asleep but i could hear them talking to each other.

Then i ignored them, i felt myself being lifted up by another magic, i knew it was my lords. I have felt it before and seen it a lot of times...finally..I'm going home...and i slipped further into sleep.

Finished! I finally got it! I started working on this and another one like it but still different. So there will be two new stories of the same movie or whatever video i watched on YouTube. So be prepared, i won't update but will be making two new stories instead of updating.

gargoyles : what if puck is forced into a sleep when he's not summoned?Where stories live. Discover now