Bad News

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A.N:- This is my first fanfiction so I would really appreciate it if you review my story and give me some suggestions on how I could improve my writing. I know that Janet is supposed to be strong with her emotions and all, but I really wanted to portray how she felt when she heard the news because in the book itself, there are instances that show that she felt awful to behave like that towards Carlotta. Any suggestions are welcome because I am still just 14 and I really want to improve!Thx! Well that's enough of boring you, now to get on with the story.I hope you like it!

                                            Bad News

Miss Theobald had come into the third form common room rather gravely. The girls all wondered what the reason could have been. As if she was reading their minds Miss Theobald said, 'I'm afraid there has been an accident at Oaks concerning Carlotta and Fern, they are in the hospital now.' she had said and told them the story.

Janet felt herself going pale. Surely nothing was wrong with Carlotta? She thought of asking the head but it seemed Bobby had the same question too.

'Is Carlotta alright, Miss Theobald?' Bobby asked seriously. 'I'm afraid she's remained unconscious since the horse butted her. She hasn't regained consciousness yet.' said the head.

Isabel was kind enough to ask about Fern although nobody really cared then, not even Alison, who had now seen Fern's true colours and had the sense to see her for who she was, a spiteful little creature.

'Fern's not badly hurt.' said Miss Theobald, 'She has a few bruises here and there but nothing much.' she said and left the room.

Pat thought it was nice of her twin to ask about Fern, she couldn't have. She hadn't said anything, too worried that her temper would get worked up.

'Decent of you to ask about Fern, Isabel' said Bobby. 'I say, what does our dear Alison think about Fern now?' she said quite maliciously. 'Oh, do shut up Bobby!' Alison said, exasperated. 'I know who Fern is now.'

Everyone started chattering about Carlotta and Fern's incident. 'I think it was jolly decent of Carlotta to go help her like that, only to hurt herself.' Hilary said. 'Fern must be seeing how spiteful she is now', Pat added 'Seeing how nice Carlotta was to her, when she just wanted to spoil her life!'

Everyone had said something about Fern, a few not being too harsh on her, like Kathleen and Hilary. The only person who hadn't said even a word, was Janet.

She stood there, her face pale, making her hair look darker than ever and causing her eyes to look rather striking in the light. Her eyes seemed to be glassy with tears.

The twins had noticed that she hadn't said a word. Pat saw that she looked awfully pale and upset about it, but everyone was upset, she thought and dismissed the matter. But Isabel had seen deeper, she saw weakness, regret and sorrow, and was that a tear in Janet's eye? But surely not? Why Janet never cried! It was simply beastly what had happened to Carlotta of course, but nobody was crying, not even Alison, who just resented bad things.

She made up her mind to find out why it was affecting Janet so much. Simply asking her wouldn't do of course, and Isabel knew that. Then the tea bell rang and the girls trooped off to tea. Nobody felt like they had an appetite but they went anyway.

It was as if the bell had awakened Janet and made her come back to her senses, for Janet blinked back her tears and smiled at Bobby before going to tea. Bobby smiled back at her. How simply beastly this was, thought Bobby. It would be so much nicer if Carlotta got better.

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