Chapter 13.

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But Jack only pulled harder enjoying the pain it caused her. The ground began to shake and she felt some dirt fall from the ceiling. Looking up, Savannah soon realized that the explosions from outside were causing the interior of the mine to become unstable and beginning to collapse. With all the strength she could muster, Savannah kicked her legs at him and rolled away from him, just in time too. Soon, rock and dirt fell from the ceiling and landed on him. With a sigh of relief, Savannah gathered the pieces of her dress and ran back towards the entrance of the mine. Instead of running out into the open as she hoped, Savannah ran straight into Jonas instead.

"Now that the boss is out of the way, it is finally my turn to have some fun with you!" Savannah struggled to free herself from him and just when she felt that her strength was about to fail her, Savannah heard a gunshot. Jonas then became very still and fell sideways to the ground. When Savannah glanced down, she gasped but concealed her screams fearing the mine would collapse upon her as well. That's when she saw it, a bullet wound on the middle of his back. When she looked up she was relieved to see Ramsay standing before her. Without even thinking, Savannah threw herself into his arms. He closed his arms around Savannah and hugged her to him tightly. "You're safe now. He didn't hurt you too much, did he?"

He asked her as he moved his hands all over her body. When he found the bruises on her chest, Ramsay felt so much rage, he wanted to dig through all the rubble and find Jack and kill him all over again with his bare hands. He was about to do so, only Savannah stopped him by holding him tighter. "I'm fine, I'm glad you're here at last!" Suddenly panic for the children made her jump away from him, "Oh my, Ram, How are the children? Are they safe?"

Savannah asked as she started to cry. Ramsay's thumb slowly ran across her skin wiping away her tears. With a swift movement, he scooped her up bridal style and carried her outside of the mine and walked towards his horse. He was greeted by Timothy who then took Savannah from him and took off his jacket wrapping Savannah in it. Then he carried her to his horse placed her on him and got up behind her. Timothy tipped his hat to Sherrif Colt as a form of thanking him as rescuing his daughter, then without any words being spoken, Tim turned his horse around and rode off towards town, leaving Ramsay and the rest of the posse to follow close behind.


Rosie entered the room that Savannah was occupying in Doctor Brown's office with a warm mug of peppermint tea. She handed Savannah the mug and sat down next to her on the bed. Savannah sighed after she took a deep whiff of the tea. She then glanced up and looked at Rosie's face; seeing the weariness in her eyes, "Are you alright? Stated Savannah, as she set the mug down on the nightstand. "Where are the twins? Why don't you get off your feet and rest awhile in the bed next to me." Rosie enfolded Savannah in a big and warm hug.

"Thanks for the suggestion. I do feel a little exhausted." She said, as she pulled down the sheets of the bed and laid down in them. "I just finished feeding the twins and Timothy is putting them down to bed. As I was leaving home to come to see you, I happened to see Sherrif Colt stopping by with a sleeping Quinn and Joey who were passed out in his arms. Since his house hasn't been built yet, and he knew that Quinn wouldn't want to be too far away from you; Ramsay figured that he would take the children to our place; since the store is right next to the doctor's office." Savannah smiled, she then noticed that Rosie was clutching on to a book that looked very familiar. "What is that; that you're holding so tightly?"

"Sherrif Colt gave us this book after the posse was formed to rescue you and the children." "It looks so familiar, could I take a look at it?" Rosie gladly handed over the book, Savannah looked it over from front to back, she then noticed the scarred corner and realized that this book was her mother's book the same one that her father confiscated from her the day that she learned the truth about Quinn's birth. "Did Ramsay mention anything else when he gave you this book, like... where he got it by chance?" "Yes! Tim, told me that Ramsay said that he confiscated it from Jon after arresting him a while back." Savannah hugged the book to her chest and smiled.

"At last, I got it back, now I can finish reading mama's diary. Soon I'll be able to learn the truth at last." Rosie was drinking her tea but suddenly choked on it, when she heard Savannah say that. After recovering her breath, she cleared her throat and dappled her mouth with her handkerchief; "Savannah honey, there's something I must tell you, but you must promise me that you won't get angry and freak out."  

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