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We reached another body of forests and curiously stepped in.

There was complete darkness under the trees apart from the metallic rays of light that shone in through the branched and bark. The long mosses hanging like hair from the canopy. The coffee coloured leaves danced majestically throught the air until they landed on the smooth black river which we folowed as it lay sullenly, meandering among the trees. No birdsong. Total silence except for the gentle humming reaching our ears, seamlessly never ending.

Shining silver dust blossomed as it lay on the black river which had shades of fushia, midnight blue and pearl white blanded together, making it look like a galaxy from pictures I've seen often. I heard a rustling in the bushes and I glanced at Ben. Our eyes met and he mouthed the words 'Stay here'. I nodded as he walked past me to check what it was.

Soon he scrambled out again with a panicked look on his face "RUN! LEXI!" I didn't question it, and started running madly. I spun around to see a flock of Ichthyocentaurs (strong centaurs with fish tails) running after us. I stopped for a second, taking in their apperance and for some reason, burst into fits of laughter.

Ben looked at me incredulously and yelled, "What are you doing? they're goig to kill us?" I tried to control myself and ran after him. Ben grabbed my arm and dived into the river forgetting the fact they could swim and they dived in after us.

The water beneath was clear and I could see afew mermaids, mermen and unusual looking fish. This place was amazing and had so much to do with mythology I would only see in books, but we never thought of how we would get out of here for tomorrows class.

Then I realised my element is water and I can do anything with it. I am in a river. I stopped swimming and faced my hands towards the animal and shot a full trail of ice against it. Ben couldn't d omuch because his element was fire, Ben swam ahead and reached some dry land and I then caught up to him.

 The Ichthyocentaurs were frozen solid in a gigantic chunks of ice suspended in the water. I reached the island in the middle of the black river and caught my breath. I saw Ben had already set up a small fire.

I lay down beside it, letting my clothes dry, looking up at the sky that was now a mixture of oranges, pinks, blues and purples accompanied by the golden stars twinkling alongside the shine of the silver moon falling upon the island making the flowers turn a bright pink that then began to glow an unusual green, creating a relaxing atmosphere. Ben motioned to the trees and we noticed an eerie glow from in-between the trees on the island.

We frowned simultaneously and trudged over to the source of light and saw a door. Just a door. The same colour as the one of the closet in our dorm room. I was scared, he was scared but we traipsed slowly up to it, I took a deep breath, then barged through it.

We yelped as we came into contact with the next, were the hard floor boards of our dorm room. It was silent for a moment , until, there was a bang on the door. Without our consent from us Dan,Phil, and the others burst in grinning like the pshycos' they were and said,                        "Guys, you left the gate open"


So give us your thoughts I'm thinking of doing a sequel to this short story much bigger in length so ya
Maybe in the next one they're will be some loving

I will post it once we get this to 1k

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