Just a dream... I hope.

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HEY GUYS! Here's the first REAL chapter of my story! So sorry my prologue was so short ._.

I realy hope you all enjoy Wretched Across Time :D  


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.

I was locked in another closet again so I could be tortured at will. Black stiff walls were my only surroundings, with the strongest smell of salt always there stinging my nose, but I couldn't breath, think or move at the moment. The images were still fresh in my mind. Judd had just killed them all, the innocent people who had the unfortunate chance of meeting me in this life. There was still blood on my hands from the detailed way he murdered my loved ones.

I remember holding my closest friend in this life as she bled away from this world never to came back, all of them will never come back in this life or the next. Judd had killed them as an example to show me how he can hurt me. Judd is powerful because with every life he takes, he takes their soul and their power whether they are immortal or not.

I have to run because Judd has knowledge of gifted people like me, he knows how to kill me without me coming back. Ever. That's why I'm here , so he can take his time taking my soul.  

Judd had begun his chase after me when I began my 19th year in my first life in 1809, back when I didn't know what I was or what came after. Judd was always there, watching me and my every move? 

Through the blur I could hear a fight, the smashing of glass made me sit up, someone was coming closer to my room but when the door opened there was no one there infront of it. I slowly moved away from my solitary corner to a house that was completely in the dark, there were no windows and only one of the doors would lead to the outside world; my escape. I noticed keys were left on the floor and no one was around. It was too easy.

"Jessie! Jessie!" he was nowhere to be found although I knew he had been captured along with me. I grabbed the keys and opened every door, closet or hole in the wall looking for him but no one was there. I opened the front door with a creak and was blasted with salt air and sunlight. Once my eyes adjusted to the light after being in a dark room for so long I noticed nothing but... water. Nothing but water.

Here I was standing in a doorway of a house located in the middle of the ocean. Once inside again, I began to panic just a as the room shifted into something else entirely.

That's the thing about dreams, they're real. Well, for me at least. My dreams tell the future and remind me of the past.

What I just dreamt was the past. 


A pair of black eyes were rested on me.

"You've been tossing and turning the whole night," Jessie said "again." He had his usual worried expression on.

I was used to that expression seeming that I woke up to it almost every morning. "Nothing new." I said trying to sound reassuring, although I knew it wouldn't work.

His eyes burned deep into mine, could he tell I was lying? The dream was new. Everything about it was different, I don't know why I lied about it but something told me not to tell him or anyone else. Jessie jumped out of bed and ripped open the curtains throwing the sunlight directly where I lay, my punishment.

"Beautiful sunshine, don't you think?" He said a bit too cheeky walking into the bathroom of our dingy motel room.

I slid my face back under the covers, the sudden sunlight just brought me back to the dream. It was much stranger than my usual midnight scares, I needed some time to think about it, but with Jessie around that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Through the 98 lives we've had together, he has been able to read me like a book, Jessie always knew when I was hiding something and never let it go once he knew, which was very irritating. I threw of the stiff sheets when they began to make me itch but still lay there trying to think of an exuse to get away from Jessie for the day. The shower started running indicating I had at least some time to make up an exuse.

" Do you have any plans for the day?" Jessie yelled from the bathroom. Great, there goes my so called escape plans.  

"No, not yet." 

"Then you're free to come with me to the carnival?" he said popping his head out of the bathroom so I could see his puppy dog eyes. Not only did his rich Italian accent get me every time but the eyes never took no for an answer. What do I do?

"I um... I..." I had no answer. I did not want to go anywhere right now, I must be getting better at hiding my emotions.

"Please bella! We should be safe, there's no way he can know we are here yet." he was practicly begging

I hadn't a choice but to say yes,Especially when he called me 'bella'.

"Ok, we can go"

Jessie always got what he wanted.


Well there you have it! Wretched Across Time chapter 1! Lol!

Welcome to the world of Liv Dean! Haha! Thanks for reading BTW!

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Thanks <3

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