Welcome to Teufort! (oc) PT1

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    Being a normal hot summer day on an island not far from the coast of west Florida, the people buzzing about their day through the city. A shapeshifter, who was currently hiding under the shade of a tree about a mile away from the busy city streets, sighed happily as cold water was dumped down her back. Having extra body heat sucked during the summer and if certain shifters didn't cool down regularly, it would cause heat strokes. The shifter, Tala, hated the fact that she shifted into a wolf during the summer months. Why couldn't she have been born a lizard shifter or something that needed warmth to survive?

    "Stop whining, you chose this place to put the city even when I advised you otherwise." the calm tone of her chuckling friend made Tala pout slightly, knowing she was in the right.

     "Well not all shifters can handle the cold." Tala growled out playfully, fanning the front of her shirt for cool air.

     "Yes i know this, which is why i suggested someplace warm but cool. But nooooooooo, someone had to be rash and pick the hottest place on earth." her friend replied sassily, giving her a look that says 'try me again, bitch'.

     "Easy now Silence, it'll all turn out good in the end. If I don't die from the heat first." Tala chuckled in amusement, laying flat out on the cool grass. A loud explosion from a few blocks down caught both of the girls' attention.

    "Looks like the boys are at it again. That is all you Tala." Silence commented, earning a whine from the shifter laying beside her. "Stop whining. I dealt with them last time now it's your turn."

    "Fiiiiiiiiiiine." Tala grumbled as she stood up, stretching her aching limbs. "Wanna ride along?" directing the hopefulness in her voice along with puppy eyes at Silence.

    "Alright, go ahead and shift." Silence sighed, smiling softly. Tala grinned, allowing a puff of smoke transform to engulf her, her tall (height differences: Tala's wolf form is like 6"4 and Silence is like 5"8 so of course she's tiny) wolf form having white fur with grey and black patches with ocean blue eyes walking out. Silence was quick to climb up onto Tala's back, curling her hands around the fur of the shifter's shoulders. The shifter started off in a slow walk, making sure Silence wouldn't fall, before taking off in a full run. Silence grinned at the wind hitting her face, causing Tala to chuckle. Rounding the street turns with ease, it took only a few minutes to reach their destination which the building was charred from the explosion but still intact. Silence slid off the shifter to land on her feet with a shake of her head. "Wonder what they made this time."

     "Whatever it is better not be too dangerous." Tala growled, allowing the puff of smoke to change her back to her human self. The brunette stalked forward wearily, the crunching of charred materials under her feet. In the center of what used to be the building sat a large cauldron connected, everything the stone but it burnt. Upon closer inspection, Tala's ocean blue eyes caught the sight of the blue glow just beneath the surface of the stone. Tala reached her hand out to touch the old cauldron, feeling the tingly sensation of magic flowing up her arm. The tingly sensation changed into a sharp stab, like needles pricking her skin in giant waves. Just as the pain rushed through her, she fell to the floor in a massive heap as her sight went completely dark numbness.

To be continued

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