Chapter 1: Nightfall

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The peaceful moonlight streaked through the windows of your own bedroom.

More than what you knew, this chamber bears a narrow and dark passageway somewhere behind the somewhat old, large bookshelf. It led to Noctis' room which was weird. You were told by Prompto about that yet until now you didn't believe his stupid historical rumor about the castle's secret passages. Only now that your disbelief in him turned out to be wrong.

You pulled off a red velvet cloak off a hanger and carefully wrapped the material around you and right after, you pulled on the hood. Out the window, the night was pretty restless yet serene to your eyes. Although there weren't any suspicious noises and had started since the day Noctis got crowned as King that no more quarrels lasted, you felt strange.

Maybe I just find the crickets' noises disturbing. You thought as you slipped into a pair of black leather boots. You put on the silver bracelet you have always worn since the day you were born, making the corner of your lips lift up a bit at the sight of the pretty jewelry.

After taking a few stares to yourself at the mirror, you swiftly spun around and materialized a crystalline rapier out of thin air; your hands wrapped tightly around the handle of the weapon after hearing a soft crackled sound. Your heart pounded at the suspicious and eerie sound coming out from its origin. The sound could possibly come from the bookshelf, yet you doubted it would really originate from there.

Shouldn't wait. I had to know where it comes from, you thought while silently tiptoeing towards the wooden and dusty bookshelf. You readied yourself, drawing your weapon to the sound which was now loudening. Your eyes darted on the side. The shelf itself slowly embedded into the wall as it produced crackles. Your heart raced more as soon as the shelf completely slid to the side and disappeared out of your sight, dusts emerging from the dark, arched entrance.

This can't be real. You gulped down while pointing your sword to the opening.

"Whoever you are, show yourself," you said sharply; you could feel your heart beating fast out of nervousness and fright. Whoever did that, it must've been someone in the palace.

A deep, husky voice softly laughed yet you could see nothing in the dark. Moreover, the only source of light in your room were the little lamp that illuminated a dim, yellow light in the room and the moonlight streaking through the window.

You took a deep breath. "Look, if you're a spy and you're plotting to kill me, I'm warning you right now. Surrender or I'll punish you and send you to prison for trespassing attempt."

The voice chuckled as if he were amused rather than to talk back and jump out of the darkness and strangle you. "Why would you do that to a king?"

Your (e/c) eyes grew wide. "Noctis?!"

"I guess you didn't believe what Prompto told you." The raven emerged from the dark, his electric blue eyes staring right into yours. He had a smile in his lips that you could tell was somehow contagious. "The passageway leads to my room so if you feel like you wanna come see me or visit my room, you'll only have to use that way."

You rolled your eyes. "That little airhead."

"At least Prompto tells a fact." He grinned, then walked closer. He looked down at your eyes. The sensation was warm and comfortable and you didn't want to leave. Yet you had to go at night on an important mission. "Do you really have to go, (Y/N)?"

A sigh escaped your lips, then you nodded slowly before looking up to him. "Yeah. I'm also a Kingsglaive of yours. And no glaive should stay here. I also have to set forth."

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