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April 20th, 2015

I was born October 21st, 1998 a healthy baby boy, or so I've been told.

I rarely get in trouble, and I have a girlfriend of three years, and I'm pretty much an average teen. This is my first time writing in a journal, and I don't know what I'm supposed to write. I love to party like everyone else, and that's pretty much it. I'm really just an average boy

I'll write again tomorrow I guess.


The whole school was practically abuzz with news of a huge party on the Saturday after break. Of course, being the party animal I am, I had to attend. As I woke up the morning before the party, the light from my blinds came through illuminating an aura around me. As I reached up to agitate the dust I was struck with a memory.

I don't know what it was, but for a split second I felt an immense emotion wash over me. I feel like a lifetime of living went over my eyes and swirled around my room before settling on my chest with great weight. I blinked as moments flashed in my vision, faster and faster.

As fast as it started, it ended. My room fell still and the light that once flooded through my blinds was now angled at the floor.

It took me a while to get ready for school today.


The last bell rang signaling the weekend and students piled out the door with no order. I was happy to be out.

Words exchanged about the party tonight. Pushed passed the lips of the high school student in eagerness and thankfulness for the weekend. One kid yelled about booze, the other about the girls he would get. But I was just happy to let loose tonight.

I slipped my hoodie over my head and grabbed my car keys off the table in the kitchen. I yelled for my parents telling them I love them and I'll see them at midnight. They yelled back.

Walking in the door, I smiled. Seeing my friends around, being goofy, being themselves. It was nice to see them be who they are rather then what they have to be for popularity. I pressed a beer to my lips and let it slide down my throat. It made me feel warm.

My friend Terry handed me another and I did shots with him and his girlfriend. Throwing my hands in the air and laughing along with his antics. I finished my last beer before looking at the clock. It was 11:45 pm. I knew I had to be home soon.

I tossed out the bottles on the table from me and said my goodbyes. Terry asked me if I was good to drive. I focused for a second on my hands and decided I was.

I got into my car and buckled the seatbelt, missing the keyhole the first time around. I got it in the second time, and pulled out of his driveway narrowly missing the trash can at the end of the yard.

Maybe I wasn't sober enough to do this, I thought.

I shrugged and put my car in drive.

I'd just take it slow, I thought.

I was almost home. I could see my house's lights shining from the front.

But they weren't my lights and it wasn't my house. It was another car.

I was in the wrong side of the road.

Before I had time to react, the car smashed into mine, sending me forward through the windshield. I heard a scream and everything started fading in and out.

I lifted my hand to my head. It was pounding and gushing blood. Leaving a trail on the ground.

The next thing I saw was my brain matter on the ground, and then I took my last breath.

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