Chapter 01; Hall of Fame

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"I mean, c'mon, me? Apologizing? Let's be real. I mean, even the word 'sorry' - that doesn't fit in my vocabulary."

- Alexa Bliss

- Alexa Bliss

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As I stepped onto the red carpet, I heard a mixture of cheers from the men with a few boos in there. I was supposed to be a heel but the guys were drawn to me because of my looks, I guess. I wasn't complaining. Who wouldn't want to be in the presence of a goddess?

"How do you feel about facing your toughest opponent at Wrestlemania?"

Hearing her name mentioned still stung. Nia and I used to be glued to the hip but due to this rivalry we were in, we couldn't be seen with one another. This caused her to become closer friends with the Bellas and Paige. I did love the Bellas, but Paige was a different story. Her life and mine just didn't mix well and I felt like she was a bad influence on Nia, but it wasn't my place to say anything.

"She's my best friend so I know her weaknesses and I will use those to my advantage," I politely answered, looking around the building to see if I could spot my former best friend. She was probably somewhere with Paige since I'm sure Nikki was with Dean and Brie was with Roman. I wished I could have someone by my side tonight, but I ended things with Buddy a couple of months ago. He was angry that I was getting so much attention and he wasn't so he would degrade me to make himself feel better.

I had horrible self-confidence issues growing up and hearing the words he was spitting at me would bring back horrible flashbacks.

Shaking my head, I found an open seat behind AJ Styles and his wife so I made my way over there. I gave them a quick smile before settling down in my seat. My focus drifted from the various superstars that would enter until my eyes settled on a familiar face that I hadn't seen in a while.


Well - Baron Corbin as everyone knows him as.

The two of us had a flirtatious relationship back in NXT before Buddy and I got together and we continued our friendship when we were both on Smackdown Live. Then I got drafted to Raw and we sort of drifted, but damn did he look good.

I sucked in my breath as I noticed he was coming towards me.

"Well, well, look who it is," He greeted me with a wide smile, "Little Miss Bliss."

I smiled before standing up and throwing my arms around his waist, "Hey, Baron. It's been so long. I missed you."

He chuckled before wrapping his arms around me. Thankfully I was wearing my high heels because his height compared to mine was ridiculous. "I missed you, too. Seems like things are going amazing over on Raw, huh? Not surprised. You're the best female wrestler on the roster," he remarked, winking at me which caused me to blush slightly.

Our interaction was cut short by a cough behind him which caused him to turn his attention behind him.

"Have you met my girlfriend Rochelle?"


He has a damn girlfriend.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as I tried my best to force out a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Alexis," I stuck my hand out as she stared at it before looking at me.

"I thought your name was Alexa?" the girl scoffed, acting like I was giving her a fake name.

"Her real name is Alexis. Just like my real name is Thomas..." Baron interrupted as he could sense her bitchiness just as I could. The girl shrugged as she sat down, clearly not impressed. He flashed me an apologetic look before I smiled softly and found my seat as he sat in between us. Instantly she wrapped an arm around his and pulled him as close to him as possible.

Damn, I wish Nia was with me. She would've set this bitch in her place. That's when I saw her. She had brought The Rock's mom with her as a part of me was glad she wasn't up Paige's ass tonight. I kept my eyes on her, wishing that she would come sit next to me so we could gossip and enjoy the night together.

I guess Baron noticed that I was staring at my ex-best friend since he nudged my side causing me to look at him

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I guess Baron noticed that I was staring at my ex-best friend since he nudged my side causing me to look at him.

"Nervous for tomorrow?" he questioned, nodding towards my opponent for Mania.

I shook my head and let out a small sigh, "I just miss my best friend. I want this feud to be over with. I hate being a bitch to her and saying all these awful things about her. I get it's just a script, but it makes me sick."

"I bet. I hear some of that shit they make you say and I know you would never say that. You make it seem so real though, which is why you're such a great entertainer," Baron remarked as he tried to comfort me, "I'm sure she doesn't take it personally, you know."

"I hope not," I glanced over and realized that the girl next to him had left, "Where did your girlfriend go?"

"Bathroom or something, I can't remember what she said," he laughed which caused me to giggle.

"Are you still with Buddy?"

That definitely stopped my laughter as I sucked in my breath before shaking my head, "Things didn't work out for us."

There was a hint of concern that flashed in his face, but before he could ask about it - the ceremony started and we both turned our attention to Jerry.

With my eyes focused on The King, I felt my hand being squeezed softly by the Lone Wolf.


hiii all :) I know this is a random pairing but I wanted to try something new and i love both of these two. i hope you enjoy :3

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