Chapter 03; Saturday part 2

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"Alexa Bliss is the best say what - What! Exactly."

- Alexa Bliss

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- Alexa Bliss


"Oh my God, I just love you so much. Thank you for everything!"

Those were the words from my last person in line. I had been signing and taking pictures for over four hours now which was fun and all, but it was super draining. Especially when you have those creepy guys who try to be inappropriate. I would catch Baron giving them dirty looks when he would overhear what they were saying which was super nice of him to do. I gave a quick wave to everyone in line as Naomi walked over to take my place.

"Have fun, girl," I gave her a small smile before walking down the steps and heading out the door.

"Did ya have fun, Bliss?" a voice behind me asked causing me to jump slightly. I turned around and was met with a huge grin from the Lone Wolf who looked proud of himself for scaring me.

"Fuck you, Corbin," I giggled, "I did. Aside from the pervs. Did you? I bet you got a lot of pervs, too." I winked as the two of us exited the room and headed down the hall to where our cars were waiting for us.

"Mmm, yeah, I heard some of those weirdos. Unfortunately, I didn't have too many pervs," he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout which caused me to blush slightly. He was so cute.

My thoughts were interrupted by him nudging me slightly, "What?"

"I asked what your plans were for the rest of the day?" he chuckled as the two of us came to a stop before we reached our destination.

I was a little embarrassed to tell him that I didn't have any plans. I'm the Raw Women's Champion and I have nothing to do. "Um...would you judge me if I said no?" I laughed nervously as I played with my hands. It's not like the girls wanted anything to do with me. Nia probably convinced them all that I'm the worst friend of all time. It just fucking sucked.

"I don't have any plans either," he gave me a soft smile, "Want to do something? We could go get wasted on Bourbon Street." I scrunched up my nose and he let out a loud laugh, "I'm kidding, I know that's not your scene and quite frankly, I'm not a fan either. We can go grab lunch or something?"

A smile grew on my face, "That's more like it." My happiness was stopped short once I remembered something. "Um, would you girlfriend mind? Is she here?"

I watched as his smile faded away as he rubbed the back of his neck, "'re right. I mean, fuck. I guess I should go check on her. She's pissed at me already, wouldn't wanna make her more mad ya know?" He chuckled softly, looking down, "I'll see you later?"

My good mood flushed from my body as I nodded, "Yeah, um, I'll be around." I gave him a small, fake smile as he returned with a disappointed smile of his own before he headed out of the building and into his car.

I let out a soft sigh before I heard someone clearing their throats behind me. My body turned around quickly as I was met by Corey Graves. "God, you and Corbin need to stop scaring me today," I huffed, shaking my head as he laughed.

"Glad that he got your short ass, too," Corey teased, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He gave me a look as he nodded towards the door, signalling that overheard what was going on between Baron and I.

"Oh, that? Yeah, that was nothing. He had to go see his girlfriend," I shrugged, "I need to head back to my hotel anyway. I have a big day today."

"Well, if you need a buddy to hang out with, text me, okay?" he gave me a quick hug before shuffling out the door with me close behind him.

"Are you ready, Miss Alexis?" the driver asked as he opened the car door for me.

"Yup, back to the hotel, please!" I stated, plopping into the backseat and pulling out my phone in the process.

I had a text from Baron.

"Hey...sorry we couldn't hang out. I really wanted to :/ If you're still up for it, maybe we can hang out this evening?"

"Don't worry about it!! Really. i understand lol. sure :) we are neighbors after all at the hotel, just knock on my door or somethin!"

"Hahaha, forgot about that!! Will do...I'll talk to you later, Blissy."

I smiled at his nickname for me, shut my phone off, and crossed my fingers that I would hear a knock on my door later today from a certain Lone Wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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