Chapter 2 llHer painful pastll

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"I'm sorry, Otou-san! Please stop." a young teenage girl cried. 

"You will learn your lesson today. HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME?" the dad yelled, using his belt whipping the girl. 

"AHHHHH!" The girl screamed painfully. As she hugged herself tightly, shrinked in a small corner of her room after the dad. Scars mark could be seen, it was bleeding red. 

"Kaa-san, I miss you. It hurts." She cried, touching the mark. The girl heard a knock on the window. Her friend sneaked in silently.

"Sakura, are you okay? Do we need to call the cop?" her friend asked. Sakura bursted in tears hugging her friend. 

"It hurt so bad, Yoko. He was furious." Sakura cried. 

"It's okay. I'm here. My family heard your scream. My dad told me to come over and check on you." Yoko explained, hugging her friend. 

"I hate him. But I can't report him, he's my dad." Sakura murmured. 

"Sakura, he is not humane. He hit his own daughter. Who would that?" Yoko softly scold her friend. 

"But...." Sakura said, still shivering. 

"Don't worry. My dad already called the police even if you deny this time. You'll move to my house if needed." Yoko informed. Sakura looked at Yoko for a moment, as she wiped her tears. 



College 1st year

"Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Sakura Momochi. First-year in college." Sakura bowed respectfully. 

"So you must be my new tutor." the boy said, smirking. 

"Hai. And you are?" Sakura asked. 

"You can call me Matt. I'm currently in 2nd year." He said, extending his hand out. 

Sakura carelessly took it and shook. However, she could feel he was holding it on for too long. 

"Umm...So let's begin." Sakura said, and took her hand back. 

"Sure." Matt said, thinking 'I got a new prey tonight'. 

It was getting late, since Matt purposely did all questions wrong to tie Sakura down. 

"Sakura, why don't you have some water?" Matt said, handing her a cup, that he had put drug in there. 

"umm//thanks" Sakura said, and gulped it all down. After finish drinking, she was about to go back explaining the concepts. Until, she felt quite dizzy. 

"Are you okay?" Matt asked, innocently, as he started to touch her thigh. 

"Yeh. I'm just a little dizzy." Sakura said. 

"Let me take you to the couch. You can lie down a bit." Matt suggested, "Or do you want to go up on my room?" 

"Couch is fine." Sakura said. As she stood, with Matt on her side, guiding her to the couch. But before she react, Matt already flipped her down on the couch and him on top of her. 

"Matt, what are you doing?" Sakura asked, trying to push him out. 

"Hmm..i'm going to have a little fun with you, Sa-ku-ra." Matt smirked. As he bent trying to kiss her, and unbuttoning her shirt. 

"NO. Stop it please." Sakura pleaded, struggling to get out, and dodging his mouth. Matt weighten down more, as he sniffed on her neck instead. 

"Get off!" Sakura yelled. 

"No one can't help you." Matt snickered. As he was unbuttoning his own shirt as well, Sakura took the chance when he was unbuttoning, she kicked him at the back. 

"Ahhh!" Matt yelled in pain. Sakura quickly got off the couch, and covered her self up, with her jacket. She quickly grabbed her purse and car key, running out of Matt's house. 

"Come back, you b*****" Matt yelled, chasing her. Sakura unsteadily, ran to her car, got in, and sped off. As she got back to her rental house, she went straight to her room,  and cried in the corner. 


Last year off college. 

Sakura just got off from her part-time job and was walking home. She passed through a dark alley, until someone grabbed her and pulled her in. 

"mmmmm." She struggled, as she felt she was being attacked. She could feel the person behind her, reaching his hand and unbuttoning her shirt. She quickly back against the wall, and slammed that person hard. She could hear his scream, as she was able to remove his hand. 

She was about to run, but the person grabbed her right leg. She struggled to get free. But Sakura was smart and quick thinking, she took the spray from her purse and spray it into the person eyes. He once again yelled. Sakura finally broken free, she took off her heel.

Sakura quickly ran out of the alley, and ran straight to her house. 

Sakura shuddered in pain, as she bolted right up. The nightmares kept haunting her again. It's been so long since she had this dream. She wiped her sweat. 

"Why?" She murmured to herself. She heard a bing in her phone.

She saw a message from Yoko. 

"Sakura! You've got a new job. You are hire as a personal assistant for Shika Yokohama as Yokosoft. They said you to come straight there tomorrow. Congratulations!

Love, Yoko

Sakura smiled at her friend, she was a bit surprise about this job invitation. But How? She wondered. Yet indeed, she struggling finding a new job. She quit her last one, because she felt her boss's lust on her. She wouldn't want to experience the same situation again. 

She texted back her friend, and went off to bed. 

Arigato, Yoko. 

Luv, Sakura 

Hope you guys like this chapter! It talks about Sakura's past. I guess I should turn on mature contents for my story xD. hahahah! Well, anyways, next chapter is what most people are waiting for, Shika and Sakura meeting :) Bye!

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