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"Yo Minho!" Seungyoon greeted Minho. Minho smiled at him and they hugged each other, "It's been so long!"

"Hey guys, Minho is here!" Seungyoon shouted. The both of them entered the house.

"Hyung! I thought you won't come!" Taehyun shouted as he ran towards his hyung. He hugged him tight and Minho just laughed.

"Nice house though," Minho complimented. "Well, this is all my hardwork!" The younger one bragged. His house were a combination of black and white. Minho could sense the elegance everywhere.

They went to the living room and Minho saw Seunghoon and Jinwoo were already drinking soju. The three guys immediately took a seat and grabbed their own chopsticks so they could eat.

"Seunghoon-ah, you got a job as a bodyguard right?" Seungyoon asked him after he gulped down his glass of soju.

Seunghoon nodded as a reply, "The job seems easy to be honest. I hope things don't get too complicated." Jinwoo just tapped Seunghoon's back. Seunghoon is a past detective and currently got a job as a bodyguard for a daughter of a rich man.

"By the way Taehyun, you kept on ranting me about your female lead. What's up?" Seunghoon brought up. Taehyun just heaved a deep sigh and scratched his head.

"The female lead was too much to handle. She complains about everything! She's definitely getting on my nerves!" Taehyun complained. Taehyun is an actor and a band singer currently. He considers this movie as his big 'break' but the female lead just ruin things for him.

"Well, let's talk about Seungyoon and Minho!" Taehyun shouted and eyed the two guys.

Seungyoon smiled, "Well, Sooara and I's first anniversary is upcoming," he bragged. Seungyoon is the only who has a girlfriend in their circle.

"Psh, I'm jealous," Hoon retorted and rolled his eyes. Everyone laughed because of his actions.

"Anyway congrats!" Jinwoo cheered but everyone noticed that he had a hard time shouting. They just smiled at their hyung while eyeing him.

"Hey Minho! How's Taeri?" Taehyun asked him with curiousity.

Minho almost choked his pork belly so he immediately drank water. Minho just ruffled his hair and sighed.

"Not doing well huh?"

Minho just bit his lip, "She's okay, I guess?" He's not too sure what to say at this point. "I think she's at a club right now, I left the apartment while she was out."

"How about you? Are you well?" It's now Jinwoo who asked him. Mino poured soju at his glass and quickly drank it, "I'm fine."

"We all know you like Taeri for 3 years now! Why aren't you making a move? She had a few boyfriends yet you endured it," Sunghoon stated. Mino wished that there's some rat hole nearby. Maybe it's a mistake that he went here.

He's being roasted here about how he's a coward towards Taeri.

"Hey! Stop talking about me and let's just eat bastards!" Minho shouted, trying to change the subject. All of them groaned. They always liked teasing Song Minho, he goes really red if he's really embarassed.

The night deepened and most of them are drunk except Minho and Jinwoo. The two are still sober.

They all decided to sleep over Taehyun's today and mess around at his house more. At first, Taehyun hated the idea, but later on he agreed. He admitted that his house sometimes seemed to be very lonely.

The drunk men were blabbering stuff and singing the wrong lyrics to a song. Sometimes they laugh for no reason.

"I think they should sleep now," Jinwoo said with worry. Minho nodded his head and they lead the drunk men to the bedroom.

"Why are you guys so heavy?" Minho grunted. Jinwoo took a deep breath and sat at the bed where the drunk men are sleeping. Minho noticed this and he immediately went to him.

"You okay hyung? Should I send you—"

"Yah Song Minho! I'm okay you bastard," Jinwoo laughed and he ruffled his hair.

"Let's sleep," Jinwoo yawned and snuggled beside Seunghoon who was sleeping too. He closed his eyes and slept too.

Minho was about to sleep beside Taehyun but his phone vibrated. He fetched his phone from his pocket and saw Taeri was calling. His eyebrows furrowed and answered the call.

"Hello? Shin Taeri?"

"Minho! Hey buddy, could you pick me up from here?"

His body shivered when he heard her voice. Her voice is intoxicating and alluring.

Minho heard loud music and multiple shouting. She must be at a club. And Minho noticed that she sound drunk too.

"Ah, okay, sure. Where are you anyway?" he asked her and stood up from the bed.

"Uuuh... Ravage Night Club! Yeah!" Minho rubbed his temples. She's unsafe there because she's too drunk to control herself.

"Alright, just stay where you are. I'll be there in 10 minutes," Minho hanged up the call.

He nudged Jinwoo and Jinwoo's head jerked up. "What?" Jinwoo mumbled.

"Tell them I can't sleep here. Taeri needs  me to fetch her from Ravage," Minho whispered and flashed an apologetic smile.

Jinwoo just smirked and nodded, "Yeah, go get your loveydovey crush."


Minho entered the night club and he scrunched his nose because of the strong smell of alcohol. The club was indeed crowded. He will surely have a hard time finding her, he thought. But his eyes caught Taeri roughly kissing someone.

Minho just stared at them.

He wanted to rush towards their position and strangle the man but he can't. He has no right to do that. I'm not Taeri's boyfriend to do that for pete's sake, Minho thought.

He grabbed his phone and dialled Taeri. Taeri stopped kissing the man and shoved him away from her. Man looked suprised and just left her alone.

Minho's heart felt lighter and he started to speak, "Taeri, where are you? I'm here at the club," he partially lied.

"Well, I'm at the counter, should I get you a drink?"

"I can see you now. I'm fine, we should go straight home anyway," Minho hanged up and approached Taeri sitting near the counter.

Taeri hugged him and snuggled onto him. Minho smelled strong alcohol all over her but a hint of cherry fragnance is still evident.

"Glad you're here, Minho," she said with her eyes closed while her arms are still wrapped around Minho.

"Let's go," as much as Minho wanted to stay at that position with her, he can't. He's sure she's tired so they needed to get home fast.

Taeri pouted and removed her hands from Minho's body, "Lead the way, I'm too drunk to stay."

They both arrived safely at Minho's car. As soon as Taeri sat at the passenger's seat, she was already fast asleep. Minho buckled her seat belt. He carressed her cheek and tucked the hair on her face to her ear.

He continued on observing her face. Her cheeks had a tint of red because of alcohol. Her plump lips are red, like she took a bite from a cherry. She looked wonderful in Minho's eyes.

Minho is intimidated.

"Intoxicating," Minho mumbled and closed the door.

He entered the car too and drove towards their apartment complex.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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