Chapter 1 (Faith's POV)

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Sometimes I can still feel the soft sand under my feet. I can feel the cold morning breeze against my fingers. I can see the sunrise down that dirt road that seemed to last forever. I can still remeber that day, even though it was in 8th grade. Even 3 years later I can still feel it. I snap out of my day dream as Maya claps in my face.

"Wake up girly! We are here" she says walking up onto her porch. I follow and we head inside. We walk in and Asher graba me and holds me in a head lock as he ruffles my hair.

"Sup little bro" he says releasing me.

"Knock it off" I smile fixing my hair, or at least combing it down with my fingers, fixing it best I could.

"Come on Brooks!" Maya calls from upstairs. I shake my head at Ash and head up to her.

"Quit flirting with my brother nerd" she smiles at me through the mirror and I walk in. I shake my head as I walk over and plop on her bed.

"Says the girl literally wearing a t-shirt that says 'nerd' on it" I smirk as she heads towards me.

"Very funny Faith" she says placing some nail polish on her bedside table.

"That's a really nice color" I say picking up a bottle of dark red nail polish.

"Yeah its old and almost gonw but its nice" she says going back to her desk and searching for more makeup. As I hold the small bottle in my finger tips I feel the low temperature start to brush against my fingers, just like that morning. My head is almost out into the clouds when Maya pulls me back down.

"You ok Faith?" She asks plopping on the bed next to me.

"Yeah just thinking about stuff" I mumble. She gives me a look saying 'stop lying'. I look down in defeat.

"I'm thinking about that day Maya! He has been in my head all week! I can't stop thinking about how I didn't make it! I feel like a failure cause I disnt get there before the cops found me" I explain to her not looking up.

"That's why you came to sleep over? To get your mind off Ryan?" She asks. I nod, still not looking her in the eye.

"Your fine girl, I got you" she says standing and walking back to her desk.

"Thanks" I mumble watching her search again.

"I am going to prepare this for tomorrow, we are going shopping!" She announces. I smile at the thought. I set up my stuff and we stay up eating pizza and binge watch The 100 before we head to bed.

"Faith! Faith you awake?" I hear a whisper. I open my eyes and see Asher standing over me. I jump in shock.

"Sshh, I need to talk to you" he whispers. I get up and we sneak into the bathroom. I have known Maya for like 5 years, Asher even longer. We have done this millions of times.

"Talk away" I say before yawning.

"I am stressed" he says. After the thousands of times we have done this I knew what those words meant. I sit up against the wall, my butt on the cold tile. I sit up straight and he rests his head on my shoulder, but one thing changed. He held my hand.

"What's wrong?" I ask, thinking this meant he was scared, or he was...

"I love you" he whispers. I wanted to pull away and look into his eyes but I just couldn't break the peace of him resting on my shoulder, all snuggled up against me. I squeeze his hand tight and lay my head on his head. I couldn't believe after all this tim3, we have been best friends sense we were born and he loves me, why now of all times to tell me this?

"I didn't tell you earlier because I thought you wouldn't like me back" he explains, reading my mind and answering my question.

"Telling me now, there isn't a difference from back then" I say, he still holds my hand but looks up at me.

"We are just friends" I whisper, it was hard to say and I disnt know why. He felt more like a brother! Our faces were not even an inch from each others. I swear he is gonna kiss me!

"I'm sorry Faith" he barely whispers beforw coming in and connecting our lips. In shock I can't move but only for a spit second. I pull away and stand. He stands and holds both my hands.

"Look Faith if you dont love me it's fine, but if you don't lets just pretend this never happened, I love being there to comfort you and you being there for me" he says. I nod shyly, turn around, open the door, and leave. I go back to Maya's room and get comfy in my sleeping bag on the floor. No matter what I did I couldn't sleep. I couldn't get his face out of my head. His voice whispering 'I love you' rang in my head. Finally it was morning.

"Wake up sleepy head" Maya yawns getting out of bed, she didn't even notice my eyes were open just laying there.

"I'm up" I say with a sigh as I get out of bed and follow her downstairs. Asher was in the kitchen drinking some orange juice.

"I'm not hungry" I blurt. I back up and a little as Asher starts to walk toward me.

"Asher!" Maya yells.

"What?!" He yells back.

"Look at her! Your freaking her out!" She says, Asher looks at me. I couldn't tell I looked terrified, but appernetly to them I looked like I just got hit by a truck.

"I-I'm fine" I stutter. I clear my throat to make it look like I just choked a little, but they knew something was up.

"Faith what's wrong?" Maya asks. I couldn't say anything, my voice was just gone.

"Do something Asher" she says to him.

"Like what?" He asks.

"You always comfort her! Help her!" She says starting to freak out.

"Ok ok!" He says coming slowly towards me.

"Faith do you wanna talk about this?" He asks sweetly. I nod and he leads me back upstairs into that firmilier bathroom. I feel more comfortable in this room than any other room.

"You ok?" He asks putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I am still in shock" I say softly looking into his eyes.

"Your gonna be ok, lets go back to the way we were, ok?" He asks hugging me.

"Yes" I say hugging him back. I started to snap back into reality after a while of hugging. His arms around me, my arms around his neck, I felt myself shaking in his arms and felt the hot tears on my face. This is what they saw. I couldn't feel it cause I was in shock, but I was crying and skating violently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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