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"What's for dinner?" Namjoon said as he walked in the door.

"Well I made seaweed soup," I grinned. His eyes brightened. He ran to the kitchen and saw the soup. "Thanks hyung!!!"

"No problem," I grinned. "I was craving for it anyway," Then I scowled. "Were you the one who broke my headphones?"

"Uhh....hyung," he grinned sheepishly. "There was a spider..."

I sighed. "You're still buying me a new one,"

"How bout I give you the money and you buy it, I don't want to break that,"

I smiled. "Thanks for reminding me. I'm surprised the house hasn't burnt down,"

"I'm not that clumsy hyung!"

"Says you," I laughed.

"I'm gonna take a shower," he said as he reached for a bottle of water. Our hands touched. A surge of electric went through my veins. That's weird, it's not like Namjoon and I haven't touched before...

"I'll set the table then," I said. "The soup's almost ready,"

"Thanks hyung!" he grinned as he raced up the stairs. CRASH I giggled to myself.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I called.

"I slipped on the mat and I scratched my calculator," he said before closing his door. Honestly this dongsaeng.

"AHHHHHH!" Namjoon jumped on me, making both of us fall. His breath on my face as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I turned beetroot.

"What the fuck Namjoon!" I got up.

"The spider is back!!" I facepalmed as I let the spider crawl on my hand.

"It's just a spider Namjoon," I smirked. I put my palm infront of Namjoon.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he ran to his room. I laughed as I let the spider out from the window.

"That was so NOT funny hyunggggg," he came back. "I just wanted to get my car keys,"

"Where are you going?"

"To school, I left some files there,"

"Do you mind sending me to Hoseok's house? It's on the way,"

"Well, only if you promise not to scare me with spiders,"

"Of course I won't," I said.

"Then come along hyung, you want me to take you later?"

"Nah, it's okay,"

"Hoseok!!!!" I groaned.

"Hi Mr Happy," he said. "Why so depressed?"

"You know how much you ship me with Namjoon?"

"Of course?"

"Well, some of that bullcrap is getting into my head...."

"NO WAY!!!!!" he screeched. "You have a crush on Namjoon??!!!"

"Don't alert the whole neighbourhood will you?"

"Sorry," he sat down. "But how?"

I told him what happened.

"Oh my!" he squealed. "It's sailing,"

"But what if he doesn't like me back, then there's no point to it,"

"Oh don't worry, he definitely will," he grinned.

"I'm back!" I hung my coat on the wall. "What's up?"

"I bought dinner,"

"Really? What is it?"


"Great," I grinned. Namjoon was watching TV. I sat on the couch next to him. "Whatcha watching?"

"Hwarang," His eyes never left the screen.

"You okay Joon?"


"What do you mean yeah, I know you're not,"

He sighed. "I am hyung."

"Am not,"

"Am too,"

"No Joon, I know. Are you mad at me?"

"It's just that.." he hesitated. "Nothing,"

"You're a bad liar Joon,"

"Okay!" he said as his cheeks reddened. "I just got jealous of Hoseok hyung!"

"You what?"

"I mean you always go to his house and come late...are you guys dating or something?"

"Me, dating Hoseok," I laughed. "No way,"

"But you guys are always together...."

"No Joon," I said as I squeezed his shoulders. "If I was, you'd be the first person I'd tell,"



"But do you like anyone?"

"U-h, I don't," my face reddened. Fuck you Yoongi.

"Now who's the bad liar," he smirked. "Who is she or he..?"

"Uh well...." I took a deep breath. "It's you.." I mumbled.


"IT'S YOU KIM NAMJOON!" I said. His eyes widened.

"No need to be so loud.." he said. "But are you serious?"

"No, I'm playing a joke on you," I rolled my eyes. "Of course I'm fucking serious,"

"Well," he said. "I like you too hyung," he turned beetroot. I smirked. He looked so cute.

"Wanna make this official?" I moved closer to him and I kissed him. A set of fireworks exploded within me. It was deep, passionate. My hands snaked to his waist as his hands ran through my hair. (Top Yoongi okay?)

"Wow hyung," he whispered. His voice husky with lust. "I love you,"

"I love you," I whispered back before meeting my lips with his again. This time I slipped my tounge in. His eyes widened. He's so cute. He closed his eyes and let me do my work. My hands roamed around his back as he continued kissing. As I opened my eyes, he looked so guilible and cute.

"You're good hyung," he gasped.

"Let me show you what else my tongue can do," I smirked as I kissed him again.

Let's just say the entire night included a lot of snogging and cuddling.

"Oh my godddddd," Hoseok squealed. "My ship has saileddddddd!"

"No need to overreact Hoseok," I said.

"You guys freaking kissed why wouldn't I overreact?"

"Good question," I said as I checked my message. "He's here,"

"Have fun!" Hoseok said as he led me out. We were going to go on a date heh...

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